Chapter: 16

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AN- there may be homophobic triggers in here but hopefully it isn't too bad. Sorry I updated late. I was ill and got detracted but here it is now. :)

Logan stared. His gaze was fixed on Newt and his face was completely devoid of expression. The blond boy suddenly felt on edge, worried he'd said the wrong thing. He'd only told the truth. He did love Thomas and if this crank didn't like it then he could piss off. However, Newt wouldn't ever say that to Logan, in fear of being attacked. As it was he didn't need to say anything.

The crank smirked and then shook his head, placing it in his hand. "Why do you have to be like that? Ugh! Can't you be normal? Now I'm going to have to deal with you. I was actually starting to like you."

Even more fear trickled into Newt. He didn't need to be a mind reader to know what the crank was thinking about doing. He took a few cautious steps back.

"Please don't do it. Please. I can't help love. Surely you know how that feels. I love Thomas but I don't think he likes me back. I think he likes a girl. Please don't do this. Please. Please."

Newt hoped the begging would change the cranks mind but all he did was roll his eyes and tut. All of a sudden his calm deminer crumbled. He launched himself at the blond boy and they crashed to the ground. The growling that escaped Logan's lips almost sounded like an animal but the screaming the came from Newt was very human.

The only thing stopping Newt from having his eyes clawed out was his weak arms. Logan tried kneeing him in the privates but the boy lifted his leg to counter the attack. Pain racked his body and the need to stop and rest was intoxicating. His desire for food and water also caught his attention, even in the middle of a fight.

They continued to struggle on the ground. How Newt had managed to stay alive and even unhurt for this long was unknown. But what he did know was he was tiring and Logan was really strong. He wouldn't last much longer.

"Logan STOP!" Newt shouted, "What's come over you. I thought you were nice. I thought you were my friend."

At the last statement, the lunatic man pulled away slightly, giving Newt a breather. He looked into Logan's eyes to see them clear, as if he'd gained a gasp of sanity. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself) Slowly, Logan slipped off of Newt and backed away. His expression showed confusion and some embarrassment, as if he didn't have control of his thoughts and actions.

"I'm sorry Newt. I don't know what came over me. We should just forget about it and carry on as we were. Yeah?"

He may not have looked like a crank but Logan definitely was one. It was incredibly dangerous staying with him, in case he had another relapse. Newt certainly didn't want to be anywhere near him, even if he was his only friend. Temporarily.

"I've got to go. I can't stay here with you. I'm sorry Logan. Goodbye."

"NO! Don't go, please. It doesn't always happen. I like you. Your kind, unlike the other cranks."

Logan reached forwards, in an attempt to grab the boy. However, Newt was expecting it. He reached down to his waist and drew his knife. He hadn't been able to reach it before because his hands were too busy keeping his face protected. Now he had the upper hand. He waved the knife in front of himself as he struggled to stand up.

"No Logan, I'm not a crank. But you are. I'm not safe with you. You're stronger than me. If you have another episode I won't be able to stop you from ripping me apart. I have no plans to die before I find my friends. I won't let myself die until I..." Newt hesitated, worried he'd set the man off again,"...tell Thomas how I feel."

"Newt don't go. Please. Pleaseee!"

Newt only shook his head with sadness evident in his eyes. Then he slowly took some steps backwards, still holding the weapon in front of him. He watched Logan with caution, worried he'd be followed. The crank may have been crazy but he wasn't stupid. He knew he couldn't win in a fight against a knife. Instead of moving, Logan begged.

"Come on Newt. I can tell your hungry and thirsty. If you stay with me, I'll show you my stash. Please Newt, please." (Sorry again...)

The blond boy just bit his bottom lip, conflict in his eyes, and responded. "I just have to take my chances. I'm going now. If you follow, I won't hesitate to slit your throat."

With the threat floating in the air, Newt turned and ran towards the stairs, Logan begging and calling behind him. He reached the steps and without a moment's hesitation, ran down them, using the bannister as support as he missed every other step. He slowed at the bottom to a steady jog, aiming for the fire exit. The smell of death attacked his senses once again as he moved past the body but he simply ignored it as he rushed towards his freedom. Slamming into the barricaded door, he was reimmersed in the rich sunlight of the Scorch.

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