Chapter: 20

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"No, no, no, no..."

Newt had flipped through the file, little snippets of information catching his eye. It was all very overwhelming. He hadn't thought he'd find any scientific papers, not to mention documents on Thomas. He got to the last page, unable to sway himself to read what information lay there and moved the file to one side. He breathed in deeply. This wasn't what he'd expected at all.

With shaking hands, he slipped his fingers under the brown cover of the next folder to reveal its contents. He wasn't as shocked as he thought he would be at the text and image printed on the white paper. It was a picture of Minho with the title 'Subject A7. Property of WICKED'

Tears dripped onto the inked paper, smudging some of the text. He just wanted to be with his friends again. Seeing pictures of them only made the longing more painful, to the extent that the pain in his chest wasn't just from the broken rib. Newt wiped at his tears bitterly, angry that he had allowed himself to cry over a few sheets of inscribed paper.

However, they never seized to fall down his pale and gaunt cheeks, no matter how many times he rubbed his face. Eventually, he gave up trying to clean his face of tears and let them fall, his skin rubbed raw.

"Ha, I probably look even more like klunk now."

The humour was sour but hearing his own voice pulled Newt back into a relatively sane state. He turned to the second page of Minho's file. This time, Newt actually decided to read some of the information printed. He scanned the page for the most important facts. His eyes were automatically drawn to the bottom of the page, where there was a small list of bullet points.

Most likely to take the lead but relies on the input of subjects A2 and A5.
Has a sarcastic approach and always seems to add humour to a situation.
• His hair appears to be an important aspect to him.

There were a few other points but Newt had read as much as he was willing to. The first sentence made perfect sense. Minho was a strong leader but still approached Thomas and Newt before doing what had to be done. However, Newt felt that Thomas almost had a bigger impact on leadership then the Asian boy. Almost.

The other two bullet points that the blond had read put a smile on his face. They were exactly what Newt would've said about Minho but the grin soon dropped into a frown. He knew that WICKED had been spying on them in the Glade and maybe even in the Scorch but he hadn't known they'd observed as deeply as Minho's hair obsession. That really put him on edge as they could easily know how he felt towards Thomas.

The next page was full of writing, so Newt instantly skipped it. He couldn't be bothered to read everything and it was very hard to when his vision went and returned in short spurts. The pain in his chest also didn't help his vision. Every shift of his torso caused another wave of agony, which in turn, made the sickness in the bottom of his gut to become worse.

The last page was only half covered in information. Newt began to skim read it, as he'd already missed so much info it was only right to try and discover something new. He picked up a few words and phrases- 'leader', 'difficult personality', 'close relationship with A2 and A5', 'potential candidates'- but not much of it made any sense.

Like with Thomas' file, Newt moved Minho's to one side, revealing yet another disgustingly brown coloured folder. It was the last file in the pile- everything else underneath was simple sheets of paper, most likely covered in writing- and Newt had a pretty good idea what he would find inside. But just to be sure he turned the cover.

A picture of Newt was clipped to the paper and the title 'Subject A5. Property of WICKED' was inscribed alongside it. For some reason, he was shocked. He had expected the file would be about him but why there was only three of them about him, Thomas and Minho he could only guess. It must mean something.

"Why are we special?" Newt queried as he began to read what WICKED thought about him.

AN- sorry this one is so short (compared to my others anyway😔) I just haven't had much inspiration recently. To be honest, I want to finish this one already so I can concentrate on my new newtmas fanfiction 'Storm Clouds'. And maybe even start a new one that I've been thinking about.
Anyway, back to the point. I am going to finish this fanfiction if anyone was worried (😂 lol, no) but the end may not be as good as it could be.
That was a long authors note (took up the whole length of the song Miss Jackson!) So goodbye and I love you all. 😗

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