Chapter: 21

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There wasn't anything very interesting on the first page. Everything recorded about Newt, he already knew. All the first page really was was a record of things that had happened in the Glade and maze. However, there was the occasional insight Newt hadn't considered while actually stuck in the maze, which was quite interesting.

The next page was much the same but had the bullet point list printed at the bottom of the white paper, like in Minho's file. Newt read through the information before averting his eyes to the small list at the end.

Keeps a strong sense of calm in a crisis.
• Manages to help others no matter what. Completely worthy of the title 'The Glue'.
He is very close to subjects A7 and A2. Particularly A2, who he shows extreme compassion towards.

Newt laughed slightly at this assumption. However, he couldn't disagree either. He did like Thomas a lot, it was just very unnerving that WICKED could tell. It wasn't like they had held hands or even kissed... They must have had other means of finding information out.

Could be one of the potential candidates.

This sentence confused Newt. What could it mean by 'candidate'? And was it good or bad that it was a possibility he was one? The questions played on his mind just as a streak of yellow sunlight began to crawl its way across his file, rippling with the movement of a bubbling liquid to his left.

He'd been so engrossed by the documents that he had completely forgotten about the world around him. The day was creeping on and though he had found several interesting things about him and his friends, he might be missing something even more important in the final building. He really didn't want to spend another night in the horrid complex but he might not have a choice. Newt debated whether he should forget about the last structure completely and continue to poke around the one he was already in or to quickly check his current room for anything he'd missed and then move on to the circular building.

As it turned out, he didn't actually need to spend that much time thinking about it. A loud crash sounded from somewhere in the many corridors. Newt jumped in surprise as he spun to face the door. The movement caused a wave of dizziness to smash into him and the sickness that he'd almost forgotten about while he'd been lost in thought, returned in a tsunami-like wave.

Newt retched with queasiness but stayed upright, facing the door, ready if the need to fight presented itself. There was no choice now. If it was a crank making the racket, then he had to leave or risk being mutilated. It was annoying but Newt was glad he didn't have to make the choice himself.

There was another bang only seconds afterwards, this one sounding closer. He was scared. He'd had so many bad encounters with cranks that every instinct told him it wouldn't end well. Newt started weighing up what to do in his head. He had two options- wait and potentially fight or leave now as quickly as he could and potentially collapse from exhaustion.

He carefully staggered to the lab exit, squinting through the blackened glass but he couldn't see anything. With shaking hands, Newt reached out and gripped the handle, slowly pushing it down to unlock the door. There was a click and his eyes widened in alarm but there was no sound afterwards so he took a deep breath and proceeded.

The door opened silently. Newt let the breath he was holding in go and lent around the door frame. Nothing there. With his heart beating in his throat, he stepped into the clean hallway.

All of the movement caused black dots to dance in his eyes, so every time he thought he saw something, it wasn't really there. He limped and jolted down the corridor, his hand automatically going to the knife in his back pocket. Without realising, tears had begun to run down his sore cheeks and his eyesight became yet more blurry.

He reached the lobby, pain shooting through his body. There still wasn't anything there but Newt didn't want to risk an encounter. The exit called to him like Heaven's gates but he knew he would just be sent to Hell. He pulled the door open, almost swinging it into his own face and stepped into the rich sunlight. Instantly, he felt slightly better.

Without hanging around to see where the noise had come from, Newt walked towards the final building. His head was throbbing and every muscle complained. His stomach was cramping in hunger and a rot had formed at the base of his gut. His mouth was dry and the urge to cough just caused even more discomfort. As a whole, Newt felt close to death. As if the ground would split open right there in front of him and Death himself would step out and claim his soul.

AN- as I said before, I really want to finish this fanfiction so I can completely concentrate on my other 'Storm clouds' (which is much better than this one, already). That means the writing skill in this now is probably shit but never mind. I love you all and thank you for supporting me :)

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