Chapter 9:

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He lay there, in the foetal position, shaking. He'd been waiting for something to happen for several minutes. He could hear moans and shrieks down the corridor. Thankfully the way he'd come.

That didn't mean there wouldn't be anything further up but at least he felt slightly safer. Newt still expected to get hurt even more than he already had.

With ridiculous amounts of effort, he dragged himself up into a sitting position, with only one hand, and then, almost falling over again, stood up. He grinned with success, despite his current situation.

It was even harder for him to move forwards but he did and each step got worse and worse. He'd managed to limp for several minutes with nothing touching him and the shouting and screaming sounded like it was half a mile back.

All of a sudden, something jumped on Newt. He screamed as he hit the ground hard, knocking the air out of his lungs. He started to thrash out with his knife but there was nothing there.

There was giggling in the darkness. Newt knew he had a better chance if he stood up, so pulled his aching body back up. He hated his luck.

The crank giggled and whispered," Boy, boy, boy. Talk boy."

Newt hoped the crank couldn't see in the total darkness like him. That way, he could slowly move away from it without it realising. He started limping away.

But his plan didn't work. The crank shrieked and jumped onto his back knocking him to the ground once again.

"Stupid, stupid boy. Don't goooo!" The crank shouted.

For a brief moment, Newt stopped fighting, knowing he wouldn't win, and accepted his fate. But that thought was soon ended when he remembered what he was fighting for; to get back to his friends and to tell Thomas how he felt...

With energy he didn't really have, he kicked up and connected with something soft. He'd broken the crank's nose. It didn't feel the pain but feel backwards with the sudden outburst of the boy.

Now the adrenalin was pumping around Newts body. He jumped to his feet with renewed life and ran down the corridor at the quickest pace he had, trying to avoid walls and objects.

Newt had run down three corridors and assumed he could cut down his fast pace. He jogged on in an eerie silence.

That's when he ran into something. And that something grabbed him and screeched with joy. A crank had found him. And what made it worse was that there were many more squealing as they came down the passageway.

He was knocked down in an instant and hands flailed, trying to grab onto the small boy. Newt screamed and kicked and punched, all in an attempt to get away. In the end, he didn't even have to fight.

The cranks where so desperate to get at Newt that they turned on one another. They tore at each other's faces. Many clambered on top of one extremely scrawny One, tearing it to pieces. The rest punched and shrieked at anything that moved. It was a complete frenzy of limbs.

Of course, Newt couldn't see anything in the darkness but knew what an opportunity looked like. He pulled himself onto his feet and carried on running, hoping he'd left the cranks behind for good.

He ran and ran and ran. He was completely past being exhausted and was pretty sure if he didn't rest soon he would pass out or worse.

He slowed down and felt along the wall, breathing hard from all the exertion. A sudden empty space marked what he was looking for. He just hoped it was what he thought it was.

Moving inside, Newt went straight to the back wall. He didn't have to go far, only a few paces. It was exactly what he was looking for. A cupboard.

It was 3 by 4 meters and only had one doorway. There was still no light but that was fine for Newt. He sat down on the ground, hard.

Adrenaline still raced around his body, keeping him conscious. He knew when it stopped pumping he would be completely exhausted. This break had to be short so the adrenaline could keep him moving.

He breathed slowly and leaned his head against the wall, listening out for cranks. The pain was awful in his chest and Newt knew it was a broken rib from when he was knocked down. He also had many other cuts and bruises but they didn't hurt as much as his head and hand.

It was a lot easier to stand up after his small break. The adrenaline kept his feet moving and soon he'd walked almost half a mile. Objects were starting to show through the gloom by this point.

"Light!" Newt giggled. He really was turning crazy.

The boy had been walking in the tunnels through the night and dawn was just breaking. Newt was so glad when he found steps leading up into the light. He even squealed with delight.

He practically ran up the steps to be immersed in the sunlight and found himself outside. He moved a few steps away and fell to the ground. The instant his head hit the soft sand he was asleep.

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