Chapter 4:

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Dawn was breaking through the crumbling structure, washing the office in a pink tinge. Streaks of golden sunlight flashed against the walls, bringing with it the heat of the upcoming day. The wind whistled just as ferociously as before but somehow, became a lullaby in the morning light, compared to the darkness beforehand.

The night was long and restless for Newt. Cranks screeched and giggled in the blackness outside the room. He only got a few hours of sleep, scared he would be attacked again. At midnight, he'd had a complete meltdown. Fear had taken over any rational thinking, once again, and tears had traced down his cheeks for many hours afterwards.

However, with light returning anew, his panic seized. The boy pulled his stiff body up into a sitting position, gawking at the scene around him. The room was still the same as before, the same rubble and the same openings, but somehow the rays of daybreak increased his confidence.

He stood up and limped towards the blasted out windows. Pain made it's way into his thoughts when he made it to an opening, but he ignored it as something caught his attention.

At the base of the nearest building, in the shadows, were two humanoid figures. It was hard to tell, but one was about six foot and the other was a few inches shorter. Newt guessed due to the height difference, one was a guy and the other one was a woman. Of course, he couldn't be sure.

As he continued to watch, he noticed that the taller of the two kept reaching out and grabbing the latter. It looked like they were fighting. Not over an object, just fighting as siblings do.

Suddenly, the two people moved into the light, still fighting but now physically hitting one another. The two people looked just like that. People. Not lunatic, vein covered cranks.

Before long, the pair were on the ground tearing at each other's flesh. Newt watched in disgusted fascination at the quick turn of events. The man grabbed the girl's hair and snapped her head back. She screamed in rage rather than pain and returned a punch to the man's stomach. The animal side to these people was certainly showing as they grabbed, ripped and punched at each other, pulling out chunks of tissue, like it was candy floss. Blood splattered over the dusty ground, as the couple continued.

Only two minutes had passed, but there was only one of the pair remaining. The girl had been completely torn apart. One of her arms was a few metres away from her body and her head was bent at the wrong angle.

Of course, the other crank hadn't fared any better. Most of his hair was missing or dangling from his bleeding and raw scalp. His clothes had been ripped off so he was fully naked, and all his cuts were exposed.

That was it. Newt turned away, appalled at what he had just witnessed. He even wretched and had to close his eyes to forget what he'd seen. Staggering over to his pack, Newt gripped a pack of dried food in his hand. He felt sick but knew he might not get another opportunity, so forced the food down, gagging at each swallow. Not that the food would make a difference if he didn't find his friends and died.

With that happy thought, Newt started to lay out a plan of action for the day. His biggest priority was finding his friends but that wouldn't be easy. There were miles of desert surrounding him and they could be anywhere. If he just wandered out into the Scorch, he would have more of a chance of curing the flare than stumbling into his mates.

No, he needed to start by looking around the whole complex and finding a way of locating his friends.

He made his way back over to the windows, not looking down where the cranks had been, but looking at the other buildings. He counted a total of seven structures. Two looked similar in height to the one he was in. Well, the size was similar, anyway. The others were a mix of small, squat and thin.

The most interesting building was the one at the far right corner. It was a large circular shape, with a hole in the roof.

That was where Newt would head towards. Though, while he was making his way There, he would inspect the other structures.

With a goal in mind, Newt slung his bag over his shoulder and re-sheathed his knife. He walked towards the doorway, unintentionally walking towards the answers he needed.

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