Chapter: 14

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"Where do you think you're going?" Minho asked as he turned to look at Newt, who was pulling himself onto his feet.

"Yeah. What are you doing, Newt?" Thomas pitched in, concern crossing his face as he stood to join the blond boy.

"Don't worry guys, I'm just going for a piss. I'll be back in no time."

Newt smiled to reassure the other boys and then turned towards the derelict building behind him. He wasn't being entirely truthful. Not at all, really. He didn't actually need to go, he just wanted to investigate the old structure. He had an odd pull towards it, like he'd been there before and really wanted to find out why. He knew he should've told someone what he was truly doing, but he knew they wouldn't let him go for such a stupid reason. What could go wrong anyway?

As Newt reached the edge of a crumbling wall, he glanced behind him at the small campfire. It looked like Thomas and Minho were in a heated discussion. Even some of the other boys looked to be joining in. He wondered what they were talking about and whether he should go back and sort it out. While he was debating it in his head, Thomas turned slightly and somehow, even though he was immersed in darkness, made eye contact with Newt. It was only a short look lasting about a second, as Newt slipped behind the wall, but it was one of worry.

He just shook his head, trying to remove the image from his mind. He already felt bad not telling them and didn't need any guilt from making Thomas worry. Instead of thinking, Newt looked for a way into the dwelling. There was no clear way in but a hole no bigger than a dishwasher beckoned him to explore. So that's what he did.

He crawled on his hands and knees but got no further than a meter before being blocked. He could barely see and could only feel solid concrete and metal all the way around himself. Feeling claustrophobic, Newt sucked in strangled breaths as his hand slapped at the solid blockade. However, just before he was going to call out for help, his hand stroked through the air. At first, he thought it was the way he'd come through, which would mean heading back to the bonfire with questions still on his mind, but this gap felt smaller.

It turned out he was right. The crawl space was only just a comfortable size for him. Once he had slipped through it, Newt was able to stand up straight. Just like before the space was too dark to make out details but objects could be seen as darker shadows in the blackness. The size of the room seemed familiar and the shape of some of the opaque items tugged at the back of his thoughts. Newt knew he mustn't stay long as it didn't take that much time to have a pee.

Despite the need to leave, he walked further into the room. A tall shadow in the left corner attracted his attention. It had several indents and a wider base than it's top. He could only just make out other objects scattered over the 'thing' when he moved closer. Just as a speculation was beginning to form, something dived in from the right, knocking Newt to the floor. Before he could scream out, a skinny hand clamped over his mouth. The hand was covered in scabs and laced with pulsating veins. It was a crank.

Newt struggled in the lunatic's grasp but couldn't get free of its strong grip. His chest began to burn as he continued to try and allow oxygen into his lungs. Soon he'd pass out and then he would be completely at the malevolence of the crank. In one last burst of hope, Newt smacked at the crazed person's hand hard enough to dislodge it for a few seconds. However, this was enough time to suck in a much-needed breath and to shout out.


The shout was ridiculous, it could barely be heard outside of the small room, not to mention all the way to the other Gladers. He knew he had no chance of making it out. He should never have fooled the others and instead, asked someone to come along with him. He felt so stupid not thinking about the possibility of cranks. Now he was at the mercy of the insane creature.

As his vision was beginning to dim and his restraint against the crank was weakening, a figure ran towards them, with a large plank of wood grasped in his hands. He swung it and it connected with the cranks head. There was an audible crack and the creature collapsed on top of Newt. The blond could feel blood soaking into his shirt and knew that it was most definitely dead. Instantly, he pushed it off as he gulped in more fresh air.

Slowly, he stood up and looked at his saviour. He was confused as to how someone could've heard him and he wasn't gone that long for anyone to look for him. Newt really didn't know how this person knew he needed help. Before he could ask who it was the boy spoke.

"What were you thinking, Newt?" Thomas said, annoyance evident in his voice but also concern.

Newt was both glad it was Thomas and no one else but also disappointed it was Thomas. He felt so ashamed that he'd ran off and then needed saving because of his actions. Why was he always a failure?

"I'm sorry Tommy. I knew you guys wouldn't let me go if I told you the truth. It's just this place seems...familiar. I promise I won't do it again."

While Newt was talking, Thomas had switched on one of the few torches they had and was moving closer to the blond.

"I know how you feel, I have flashbacks too but you could've told me first before you wondered off your just lucky I found you."

"How did you find me? Were you following me? What if I actually was going for a piss? Were you going to watch me? You're one dirty shank" Newt accused, smirking at the end to show he was only joking about his last comment.

Even in the poor torchlight, Newt could see Thomas' face turn a dark shade of pink. 

"I was only watching out for you. I feel I need to protect y-"

"I'm not weak Thomas. Just because I have a limp, doesn't mean I can't look after myself. I don't need you watching me all the time."

Hurt flashed into Thomas' face, replacing the blush. Newt never called him by his full name. However, the hurt soon turned to anger.

"No Newt, I followed because I wanted to say that-"

The blond cut him off again, anger substituting his embarrassed state, "Don't tell me lies. You thought I needed protecting because I'm not the boy who survived a night in the maze. The boy who cracked the code. The boy who can kill cranks to save his friends. Because I'm not like you."

All the anger depleted from Thomas' face. What was left was agony. Newt could even see tears glisten in the brunette's eyes, causing him to lose his anger as well.

"Tommy, I'm sorr-"

"No Newt, you're completely right. I was only watching out for you because I thought you couldn't look after your self." Thomas retorted back.

Thomas focused on Newt with a stone cold look, showing no emotion. Newt, on the other hand, looked at Thomas with tears in his eyes.

"Tommy, I-"

"Forget it Newt. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

"Tommy..." Newt begged, tears slipping down his face. Thomas' face softened slightly at the blonds sadness but he just shook his head and turned away, walking back towards the crawl space. Newt followed in fear of being alone again.

He was completely heartbroken. He hadn't meant to sound angry. And he still wanted to know the real reason why the brunette followed him. Instead of letting him explain, Newt had accused him of calling him weak, upsetting him in the process.

'Does Tommy hate me now?' Newt thought.

- Flashback end

AN- Hey. This is really rushed. I only had a day to write it 'cause I realised the next chapter has something exciting in it (it's a surprise) and I wanted to save it for next Monday because something special is happening.

This is the night of Newt's kidnapping and it will hopefully make more sense later in the plot. But really this is more of a filler until next week. So yeah. Stay happy you amazing people and be ready for next weeks chapter. ;)

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