Chapter 5:

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It took him a whole hour just to make his way out of the building he was in. There wasn't even much to get excited about.

But, first, Newt went back to the room with the WICKED boxes to collect some more supplies, in the fear of getting sidetracked or even lost. However, when he made it to the mess hall, he discovered that it had been ransacked by cranks. Most of the boxes were now empty or torn apart and scattered across the room.

"Oh shuck. Why does this always happen to me?" He muttered.

Not letting it put him down, he snatched up the rest of the food and the last canteen, carefully placing them in his pack. He checked the rest of the packages in case he had missed some items, but as he expected, found nothing.

The set down just made it more essential that Newt found his friends and got out of there. Slinging his pack back over his shoulder, he made his way back towards the door.

The rest of the building was just rubble, weeds and the odd desk figure standing out in the greys and beiges, telling the stories of the lost and creating a sullen mood.

When Newt finally made it out of the building and into the scorching heat of the day, he was going mad from the structure of offices and rooms. He was craving green grass and trees, just like back in the Glade. All he wanted was to see life beyond cranks. That and being reunited with his friends.

The space between the building Newt had emerged from and the next was covered in sand. A small dune had collected at the edge of the other superstructure, due to the fact that the wind blew through the open space. Rubble pointed out of the sand like fingers trying to embrace the sun and drag it down, to stop its withering heat. Nothing grew in the bare area because of the sun flares but cranks had clearly been moving across the sand.

Newt made his way across the soft dirt towards the building. He slipped several times and snagged his pants on the sharp metal. Pain exploded on his side, where his gash was, when he fell onto a large chunk of concrete.

On the other side of the barren space, there were many windows and a single door. However, the whole doorway was blocked by beams and sand. This was yet another problem, as of Newt didn't need anymore.

"Not again," Newt said.

As the door was blocked, he went towards a window instead. Well, what you would assume was a window. It was a large jagged hole with wires streaming down and glass pointing out of the darkness. A clump of flesh with hair still attached was caught to a serrated bar of metal. Blood covered the whole pole and the window frame around it.

Painstakingly, he made his way through the opening, only getting lashed a few times. Once clear of the window, Newt looked around the room.

There was nothing particularly interesting, except a large machine to his left. He walked over to it and examined it more closely. It appeared to be a decrepit heart monitor. The screen was cracked and dirty and the many electrical components were tangled.

It was strange. What was a hospital appliance doing in an office? On the other hand, the area might have been the old medical room, which would make a lot more sense.

With nothing more to see, the boy moved to the next room and the next and so on, until he had made it to the staircase leading to the second floor. All the rooms he had peered into were the same as all the other rooms on the previous building. Office spaces. It was starting to drive him crazy.

There has to be something else here, he thought.

Tiredness racked his body, as each step up the stairs became worse and worse. He emerged at the top, looking straight ahead for cranks, and almost fell through the floor.

The timbers were rotten where Newt had stepped, causing him to fall through. Luckily, he managed to grab a large beam and pulled himself back up, not without creating a racket.

He gazed down at the large hole. It was about 4 foot long and 2 foot wide but was still crumbling as he watched.

"Oh man, that was close." He voiced.

Not letting his closeness to death stop him, Newt turned around and regarded the corridor in front of him.

The walls were the same as the ones on the previous floor, crumbling and burnt, and barely staying up. Newt always felt one wrong move against the walls and the whole structure would break apart. The floor was scattered with rubble and wires and weeds grew in the cracks.

From what he could see, there were at least 15 doorways all the way to the other end of the corridor. With nothing better to do, Newt made his way, more carefully, down the passageway to the first door.

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