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Ace’s POV

“Ace! Ace, what’s going on?” James asks.

“Sh-sh- fuck, I can’t lose her! I can’t lose her too James, I just can’t.”

“Ace, what is going on? What is happening to Callie?”

“Her heart is weak, I broke her heart from yelling at her and letting you guys see her bruises. I killed Callie. I KILLED CALLIE! Why did I have to yell at her, it’s all my fault.”

“Ace it is not your fault, her heart was broken a long time ago, but it just never got repaired.” Serenity says.

“It’s my fault because I am in her life, if I would have just stayed away like I said in 7th grade, she would be fine. She would be healthy.”

“Ace, she was never healthy, not mentally or physically. She has been getting worse, it was just a matter of time, and she knew that.”

“She was fine! Don’t bullshit me she was fine!”

“Ace, she wasn’t, she is abused, bullied, and she is depressed, had anxiety and panic attacks. She was trying to keep going but it wasn’t working, she thought no one cared. She has scars, not just for the abuse, or cancer, she cut and did everything she could. The pain was getting too much, she asked me to give this to you.”

Serenity handed me a letter and went into the room with Callie’s dad and brothers. I opened the letter,

Dear Ace,

   If you are reading this, then I am dead or dying. You will blame yourself, but don’t. It’s not yours, it is someone else's. No, you have never met him, and you will never be able to. If by any chance I come back to life, or I stop dying… please just man up and ask me out.

James, Liam, Serenity, and Scott tell me everything. You should have asked me out when James told you to, he said to then because… that’s when I found out my heart was failing the first time. They were the only ones I could talk to. I tried talking to you, but you always blocked me out or walked away.

Listen Ace, I am not strong, you may think I am, but I'm not anywhere close to being strong. I can be a bitch, nerd, badass, or emo, but not strong. I remember the first time you talked to me in 7th grade. We had to work together in history and we just akwardly sat there before someone told us to talk. You started to ramble on and on about the Lions, and I was just as excited about them as you, you were so supprised.

You thought a girl like me could only like shopping and other girly girl shit. I am happy I got to meet you... I'm just sorry for not telling you how I felt. Promie that if I come back or live, that you will march up to me and tell me your feelings.

I never told you, but I really like you. I like like you Ace, I have since that first day of 7th grade.

If I don't make it, promise me you will be happy, no matter what, promise me.

                                          Yours truly,
                                              Callie  ❤️

By the time I finish reading it I am crying. I can't lose Callie. I just can't.

James POV

"James!" A voice yells behind me, "James, wait up!"

I turn around to see Serenity running twoards me.

"What's up Ren?" I ask, "Is Callie okay?"

"She is stable for now, but the doctors said it doesn't look to good."

I nod not trusting my voice. God why can't she be alright? Why, she needs Ace and Ace needs her. She is his lifeline.

"What is Ace going to do if Callie do- do- doesn't make it?" Serenity asks.

"I don't know Ren, he's not going to want to do anything, he probably won't last a week let alone a day or second without knowing he is going to see her smile."

The nurse comes over to us.

"Callie Johnson's family right?" He asked.

"Yes, what's going on with her?" Ren asks.

"Callie is going to have to stay here until she is stable again. But then you guys can take her home."

"Is she going to be okay tho?" I ask.

"Yes, Miss Johnson will be okay."

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