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Ace's POV

I walk into our room to see Callie crying.

"Callie are you okay?" I asked.

She turns around and nods.

"Ace come here." She says patting the bed.

I sit and she hands me an envelope that says 'from great grandpa Emil'

And another that says 'use for good use'

I open the one from her great grandpa and in side was a note, a key with a picture of a house and map to the house.

The other envelope has $10,000,000.

"Callie what is this?" I ask.

"My great grandpa left me a house, and $10,000,000 and my cousin left me this." She replies.

She handed me a box.

In side are 3 notes, 5 baby outfits, 2 rings, a necklace, 5 pictures, and 2 old handkerchiefs.

I lifted the flap and found another letter.

I opened the letter and found another $20,000,000 and a will from her grandpa and cousin.

"Callie, look."

She took it and started crying again.

"They left me everything Ace, everything."

She hugged me tight as she cried.

I sat the shocked.

Callie's grandpa and cousin loved her so much.

Callie soon fell asleep.

I grabbed a letter and started reading.

Callie girl,
   Remember that I love you. I know that I have been depressed since grandpa Emil passed and I am sorry that I haven't been to see you in the hospital.

  I tried to come to see you, but I didn't and for that, I am sorry. I just couldn't come to see the frail little Callie in the hospital bed. I know I should have still come, but if I would have seen you like that, I don't know if  I could have been able to stay.

I am guessing that I am no longer here. So in here is my will, all of my money, a few baby outfits, my class ring, and a letter to the man you want to marry.

The necklace in here was the one I was going to give you when you turned 16. It is the necklace you saw when you and I went to the water park. You were 9 and told me all you wanted for your 16th was that necklace me grandpa and no Alex, Rachel, Kelly or your bio dad, Alex.

I love you Callie.
                               Your awesome cousin,
                                   Riley ❤️

I put the letter back and layed down with Callie.

"I love you Callie." I whispered before the darkness consume me.

The next morning I woke up to Callie curled up to my chest.

I kissed her forehead and got up to take a shower.

I got my towel, and rmoved my clothes before I hoped in to the warm water.

I heard the door open and a person sniffling.

"Callie?" I ask moving the curtain. "Callie, whats wrong?"

She walked twords me with tears down her face.

"Ace, Kelly beat the kids again last night. Lucas just called me."

I got out and wrapped a towel around myself before hugging her.

"Shhhh shhhh babygirl it's okay let me finish in the shower and then we can go and get them okay?"

She nods and I kiss her forehead.

I finish the shower and grab some boxers, some black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, white convers, and my signature leather jacket.

"Callie, ready?" I ask

She nods and stands up.

We walk twoards the car.

James, Jake, Liam, Justin and Scott are already in the car.

We get in and drive to Alex and Kelly's house.

We all get out and keep Callie behind us.

"You are never leaving this house!" I heard a male voice yell. I'm guessing it was Alex.

"Ace, please we have to go in now!" Callie pleaded.

I nod to the boys and we barge in with our hands on our guns.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Kelly yells.

"We came to get the kids." Jake steps forward.

"Like hell, they are not going with you!" Kelly yells.

"Callie! Callie, please help!" A little girls voice yells.

"Ace call the cops." Callie says before running off with Scott and Justin.

Callie's POV

"Callie! Callie, please help." Aliza yells from one of the bedrooms.

"Ace call the cops." I say before running to the voice with Scott and Justin.

I try turning the handle, but it's no good.

"Justin, Scott, please I need to get to her!" I cry.

Justin runs twoards the door and with the second hit, it's down.

Aliza screams get louder.

Scott tackles the man trying to pin her down.

I rush over and hug her.

"Hey babygirl, shhhh, it's okay we're here now." I whisper to her.

"Callie, please get us out of here," she cries.

I get Levi and Lucas out of the corner and carry Aliza out if the house.

"Hey beautiful," Ace coos. "Come here it's okay."

She jumps to Ace and then Levi started crying.

"Callie, where's Jakey?" Levi cries.

"I'm right here munchkin!" Jake yells.

Levi runs to Jake and cries on his shoulder.

"Callie, where is Scott?" James asked.

Before I can say anything there is a gun shot.

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