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Ace's POV

"Callie!" I yell as I look at her limp body under a limp Alex.

Alex had stabbed Callie and then an officer shot Alex.

Rachel is screaming about Alex and saying she is going to kill Callie for this.

I run over to Callie and push Alex off of her.

"Callie! Callie!" I continue to yell.

My dad runs to her and checks her pulse.

"She is okay, but we need to get her to the hospital her stitches tore and because of the stab wound as well, she is losing to much blood." He yells to an EMT.

The EMT nods and they get Callie into an ambulance.

I call Tonya and Callie's bio dad, Alex know.

We get to the hospital and sit in the waiting room.

About 2 hours later my dad comes out.

"Callie had complications and we had to do another heart surgery. She is stable and should be able to go back home in a couple of days, but as for Alex, he is still alive."

"He's what?!!?" I yell. "How?!?"

"The bullet bearly missed his heart."

"What happens now?"

"There are going to be guards at Callie's and Alex's rooms."

"I'm staying here until she can leave."

"That's fine. She can leave in the next two days."

I nod and go to her room.

She looks so peaceful, but fragile at the same time.

I slowly walk over to her and pull a chair over as well.

"Callie, I know you probably can't hear me, but... remember, I need you and I love you. One day I want to marry you. I will marry you. You are my life Callie, my everything."

I sit down and grab her small hand.

"Callie, that day in 7th grade, was the best damn day of my life. That was the day that Jake told me that if I hurt you, he would kill me. Serenity, James and Scott even threatened me, but I stayed away. The day that you went to class rooms to tell everyone what you went through, I didn't know. The next day I came to school, you weren't there... you came back two days later. You were so sad and tried talking to me, but I turned away and ignored you. I am so so sorry Callie."

I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I drifted off into the darkness.

James's POV

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

She had come crying to me.

"James." Callie called down the hall.

"Callie, what's up?"

"James..." She started to cry hard.

"Callie what's the matter?"

"It's bad. It's coming back James."

I hugged her hard.

"When did you find out?"

"Yesterday... and they said it's affecting my heart."

"Shhhh it's okay Cal, your going to be okay. Does anyone else know?"

She shakes her head.

"Why not? Who went with you to the appointment?"

"No one went. I always go alone. I went to tell Ace and he ignored me."

"So of a bitch! He needs some sense knocked into him!"

I went and found him in history.

"Mr. Jinkens, I need Ace North. It's about Callie Johnson." I whisper to the teacher.

He nods and sends Ace out.

"Hey man what's up?" Ace asks as  he walks out of class.

"Your a fucking ass." I spit at him.


"You heard me. Why the fuck would you ignore Callie? Why?!"

"Because I can't hurt her!"

"Well congratulations, asshat, you fucking broke her."

"No. No I didn't."

"Yes! Yes you did. She tried telling you something important and you fucking ignored her."

"It's not like I want to!"

"Then fucking don't! She needs all of us right now! You don't even fucking care! You didn't come to school the day she needed you most!"

"Why would she fucking need me?! Why?!"

"Fuck you! Go! Go and fuck yourself. I warned you not to hurt Callie! And so did everyone else! Watch your back!"

I walked back to Callie.

My phone started to ring and so did Callie's.

Callie started to cry harder.

I took her phone and read the text.

He will never like you so why don't you go and die! All you are is an attention whore! That stupid lie you made up about having cancer, that was pathetic. Go kill yourself already. It would make the world a lot happier. It would make the people you hangout with happier. It will make your family happier. - Ce-Ce

I yell and had Callie text the boys.

The boys😁🤣❤️
Guys... Meet James and I in A section hallway. ASAP. -Cal

They got there fast. The only one who didn't show was Ace.

Callie filled them in and they all stared at her like she had grown a second head.

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