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"Jake, I'm terrified. And I just wanted to tell you one last thing... I love you Jakey."

"Cals, no... no Callie you are going to be okay, I promise, you are going to be okay."

In the background I hear a slow beeping sound.

"Callie, no come on Callie, please, please."

The beeping is continuous and there is yelling in the backround.

"No! Callie! No! You have to be okay." I yell.
Jake's POV

James runs to me and holds me up.

"I need to get to the hospital now." I say.

"Ace, you are coming with. Scott, Liam, Ryan go get the car started and pack bags. We're not leaving the hospital until she can." James yells.

About 15 minutes later and we are on our way to the hospital.


"Jake, I kinda fell out of a tree, and I may have broken my arm." Callie says through a smile.

"What!?!" I yell.

"I may have broken my arm."

"We have to get you to the hospital."

We get to the hospital and they put a cast on her arm.

We go to the store and Callie gets some sharpies.

When we get back to the boys's house they don't notice us until Callie walks over to Ryan.

"Ry, can you sign my cast, please?"

They all look at her and Ace, being in love with my sister, runs to her and starts to question her about what happened.

She explains and they just sat there and signed her cast.

When she was done telling them I cut in and told them she didn't cry and they looked at her like she had grown another head.

"How the hell didn't you cry? The bone broke and went through your skin." James asks.

She just shrugged.

End of flashback

We are now waiting to see Callie.

"Ace, you are going to tell her." The boys say at the same time.

He nods.

"Callie Johnson." The doctor calls.

We walk over to him.

"Right this way." He leads us to Callie and tells me that she needs heart surgery.

All I did was nod and sign some papers.

"Hey Callie girl." I say with tears in my eyes.

She slightly waved and flinched in pain. That's when I saw a fresh hand print and fist impression.

"He came here didn't he?"

She nods as a tear slips down her face as she looks away from Ace.


Callie's POV

He came when they weren't here. Then they come back and Ace can't even look at me.

I knew he didn't care, he just wants me to be like all the other girls and try and get with him. Then he would leave and never talk to me.

I am so stupid to think he would actually like me.

"Boys, can you leave us please?" Ace asks.

They nod and leave. Bastards.

"Callie, please look at me." He beggs, his voice cracking.

I shake my head.

He sighs. "Callie please I have something I need to tell you."

I shake my head again and flich from the pain.

"Callie," he puts his hand under my chin making me move my head to look at him. "Callie," he takes a deep breath, "Callie, I am in love with you."

I look at him in supprise not saying anything.

"Please say something Callie."

I don't say anything I just put my arms around his neck and bring him down to my level and placed my lips on his.

It was a soft and slow kiss. Our lips moving in sync. Butterflies erupte in my stomach.

We slowly pull away from each other.

"It took you long enough." I joke.

He smiles and kisses my head before he layed on the left side of the bed with me.

"Ace, I love you too." I say as I lay my head on his shoulder.

The door slowly opens and Levi, Lucas and Jake walk in. The rest of the boys and Serenity follow behind them.

Levi climbs on to the bed and sits on my lap while Lucas climes up and sits on the right side of me.

"I'm glad you finally told her Ace," Lucas says.

"How did you know small fry?" Ace and the boys ask.

"Because even a blind person could see how much he cared, everytime he looked or even talked about Callie, his eyes filled with love."

"Wow, even my brothers could tell," I laugh.

He blushes and I kiss his cheek.

"So are you guys dating now?" Levi asked.

I look at Ace and I shake my head, "Not yet bub. Not yet."

"Why not?"

"Levi, your sister is very sick, and she doesn't know how long she is going to be here for. She doesn't want to hurt Ace." Liam replies.

"Callie, I can't lose you." Levi says.

"I am going to try my best to stay baby boy, I promise."

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