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Callie's POV

I have been laying in this bed for over a month now and it is extremely boring.

"Hey babe, how are you doing today?" Ace asked as he put his arm around my waist.

"I'm good. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm the same. I have to go do a couple of things are you going to be okay?"

"Yep I will be fine. Which gang are you doing stuff with?"

"The Scarlet Kings." He says as he kisses my head.

"Okay will you mind sending up Lucas and the twins please? And be carefull out there"

He nods and kisses my forehead before he leaves.

Soon Levi, Lucas, and Aliza walk in.

"Lucas how are the trainees doing?" I ask as he sits down on the couch with a notebook and pen.

"They are a little of track but getting there." He states.

"Anyone owe me money?"

"Jessica, Paul, Linda, Jeremy, and Peter."

"Where is Kat?"

"She will be here soon. She is dealing with Paul at the moment."

"Okay. Levi, Aliza, how are the dogs?"

"They are dong good Cal" they answers.

I know what you're thinking, having two 5 year olds in the gang seriously. Well I do too, but they are my family. They are my last pieces.

"Did Razor have her pups yet?"

"No not yet. About next week and she should." Aliza told me.

I nod and get up. James is the only one in this house hold other then my siblings who know I am the leader of a gang.

I walk to my office and call James.

"Jade, what's up?" James asked in a cheery voice.

"Hey James, I have a couple things for you if you would like them." I answer happily.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Guns and a couple who owe both, The Jade Reapers and The Ravens money."

"Ummm, let me ask the boss, give me a second."

"Okay." Is all I answer with as I start to walk to the basement.

"Let me talk to Jade." Ace's voice fills the line.

I quickly use my voice disguiser.

"Jade, this Is Ace. What do you want for the guns?"

"2,500 each."

"How many you got?"

"About a couple hundred extra, and since you are one of the closest gangs by I asked you first, and there are a couple new shipments coming in tonight."

"Fine we will take 15 Glocks, 10 Strum Ruger, 12 grenade launchers, 20 AK-47, 12 Sniper Riffle, and if you have any Grenades, I'll take 300."

"Okay, but the grenades and launchers are 3,500."

"That's fine. Where do I meet you?"

"The usual James knows. Oh and it won't just be me, I will be with Sin."

"Got it, Thanks Jade."

"You don't want you're people who owe you money?"

"After you're done with them."

"Fine. You want the price now or later?"

"Now. Just tell James, I need to be in a meeting."

"Jade, how much?" James asks.

"$1,234,500" I respond.

"Okay. I will be there soon and I will see you at home."

I end the call and Kat walks in.

"Kat, what do you got?" I ask.

"Paul and Linda's money." She responds.

"Where are they now?"

"In the trunk."

I nod and walk back to my office and put the money in the safe.

"Have you told Ace yet?"

"No, not yet."

She nods and walks out.

I walk to the car and get in with the guns and Grenades.

I get to the spot and hop out.

"Jade, who are we meeting?" Sin asked.

"Stop you know my name. We are meeting The Ravens." I respond.

Sin nods and hugs me.

"How have you been doing lately sis?"

"I'm doing better, but the beating from Jake really hurt and my treatments are going good."

"Nice. Is Jake going to be here?"

"No, he isn't even allowed to be near the gang for the rest of college." I laugh.

Sin laughs too and that's when we hear yelling and pounding from the trunk.

"Paul and Linda."

Sin nods and goes to get them.

"When are you going to tell Ace that you're Jade?"


"Why not tonight?"

"Because, what is he going to think if his fiancé is the one that has been in a gang since she was 6?"

"That you are pretty badass and that he is the luckiest man in the world."

"He is probably going to-"

"He isn't going to freakout. Your phone's ring"

"Fuck" I mumble looking at the caller ID.

"Hello Ace."

"Jade, are you going to be at the trade tonight?"


"Okay then."

"Good bye Ace."

And with that I hang up.

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