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Callie's POV

I start sobbing hysterically into Ace's shirt, I feel so bad, he shouldn't know this.

I try to get out of his arms but he only tightens his grip.

"Ace! Let go of that filthy whore!" Ce-Ce screamed as she ran into my room. Ace kept his arms around me and puts his head against mine. "Ace get the fuck away from that slut! NOW!" she screamed.

"Ce-Ce!" Mr. North snapped, "Get the hell out of this room before I call security, and you are never to talk to Ace again."

Ce-Ce looked taken aback. I whisper to Ace that she is a total air head and placed my head on his chest. He laughs and places a kiss on the top of my head.

I blush and lay down. Ace smiles and lays down with me.

What the fuck is happening? I am an unpopular, why is he doing this? When this ends I am going to be totally destroyed, but if I end so will Serenity.

My thoughts are cut off by someone whispering in my ear. "Get some rest princess." I smile and lay facing him.

"You don't have to stay. Go home, your dad should be heading home soon anyways." I sadly state feeling comfort in Ace's arms, like I could win and I wouldn't be hurt, but we all know that's not how life goes.

"I'm staying, you shouldn't be alone to night," he says squeezing me tightly around the ribs.

The next day~~~~~

I fling and let out a little squeak. "Are you okay princess?" he asked with worry on his face. He lifts the blankets that are covering me and moves his hand on my side.I flinch as his hand lands on my new bruise from earlier yesterday morning when Alex got mad at me.

Alex is always drunk and he blames me for his divorce from my mom, so when I am at his house he takes it out on me. He also says that I deserve to die, and when I do, no one will care. I believed him for so long, he told me I am worthless, a mistake, and that my mom made a mistake of not aborting me.

Ace lifts my shirt up and touches my bruise that is now covering half of my right side.

"Who did this?" he asks with anger in his voice.

"No one, I just fell off of

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