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Jake's POV

Callie still hasn't woken up, but I guess that's to be expected when something like this happens.

Lucas's POV

"Luc, is Cal going to be okay?" Aliza asks.

"I wish I knew Liz. I wish I knew."

"Lucas, Levi! Get in the car, we have to go now!" Tonya yells from the kitchen.

"Tonya is everything okay?" I ask.

"No. Alex Johnson-"

"What the hell did he do to my sister?!?"

"He tried to kill her."

I run out to the car and get Levi settled in his booster seat and Aliza in hers.

"Tonya, did you tell dad?"

"Yep, and he is livid. Momma Kelly thinks it's all just a prank and won't let him go to her."

"What is going to happen to Cal?" Levi asks.


Callie and Levi are extremely close. When Cal was in 7th grade, she came over and momma Kelly was having contractions. Kelly had to give birth at home, and Callie had to help.

Kelly hates Callie and no one except Tonya, Kelly, dad, and Callie know.

Dad is always there for Callie and it makes Kelly extremely mad.

I usually hear them arguing late at night to early in the mornings.


James's POV

"Hey boys." I walk in and give the guys some bro hugs.

"How's Callie?" Liam asks.

"She still hasn't woken up yet and they don't know when she will."

"What about Ace?"

"He's not doing to good. He isn't eating, sleeping, hell he isn't even moving from Callie's side."

"Damn." The boys mumble in unison.

"I have to go talk to Callie, even if she can't hear me... I still need to talk to her." Jake says.

Jake's POV

I get to the hospital and to Callie's room.

"Ace can I talk to Callie alone for a little bit please."

He nods and gets up and walks out.

"Hey Callie girl. You may or may not be able to hear me, but I really needed to talk to you. Callie, please, you can't leave me. I still remember the first time we had dinner at your old house, you threw a fork at my head and it hit me straight in the forehead." I lightly chuckled. "We hated each other so much. Now we are inseparable. Callie we all need you. The boys are going crazy, Ace isn't eating, sleeping, or even moving from your side. We are all a mess without you here to hold us together." I was now full out crying.

"Jake?" I heard a small voice.

"Oh my God," I ran to get Ace and a nurse.

We walk back into the room and Callie is sitting there smiling.

"Oh my God, Callie! Your awake!" Ace runs to Callie and kisses her head.

She nods, "Jake please get the boys here." She says smiling.

I nod and text the boys.

She's awake! Get your asses over here now! She wants everyone here. -Jake

I put my phone away and look over at Callie and Ace. Ace is crying and Callie is soothing him.

Only her.

I leave the room and go wait for the boys.

Ace's POV

"Callie, I am so so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him." I cry into Callie's neck.

"Ace, shhhh, it's okay, I am okay." She rubs circles on my back.

"But he could've killed you."

"But Ace, he didn't. I am here. I am not going anywhere."

"I-I could of l-l-lost you Cal. I c-can't l-lose you."

"Ace look at me." she says firmly. "You. Are. Never. Going. To. Lose. Me."

"I love you Cal." I plant a small kiss on her lips.

"I love you too Ace."

The door opens and in walk the boys as well as Serenity, Kat, Tonya, a little girl around 3 by the looks of it, Lucas, and Levi.

"Callie!" Levi yells as he runs twoard the bed.

"Hey baby boy. How are you?"

"I'm okay are you better now Cals?"

"I am getting there. Where's dad?"

"Kelly said he shouldn't come see you because she says you were doing it for attention." Tonya says.

" Wow, she really stooped that low? Dad knows Alex wanted to kill me... Lucas can you take the younger ones to the playroom please."

He nods and they leave.

"That fucking bitch! Why the fuck does she hate me! Just because dad gives me more attention now! I am in the fucking hospital with who knows how much time left! She has some fucking nerve! All I want is for her to fucking leave and never come back! I am so sick of her bullshit! She is only using dad and because I know what she's doing to him and the kids, the money! The other strange men she brings home when the little ones are home! She can beat me all she wants! I am done! Get dad here. Right. Now!"

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