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Callie's POV

"Scott! Scott was holding the guy who tried rapping Aliza." I yell.

I run twoards the house and to the room I left Scott in.

"Scott! Scott are you okay!?" I yell as I run through the house.

"Callie! Are you guys okay? I heard a gun shot." Scott yells.

"Yeah we are all okay." I run to him.

"What was the shot from?"

"The police came in and the guy pulled a knife."

"Oh, is he dead?"

"Pretty sure."

I nod and hug Scott.

We walk out and I run to my siblings.

"Cal, can we go to your house now?" Levi asks.

I nod and get them in the car after talking to the officers.

I grabbed they're bags and we drove off.

When we get back to the house I go to Mrs. North's office and knock.

"Come in." She yelled.

"Hey Keri. Ummm, I just wanted to let you know I am looking for a house and they the kids and I will be out of your hair soon." I state.

"Callie, you don't have to. You are in no shape to leave anyway. You are going through treatment and now you have 3 younger siblings."

"It's okay Lucas is going to help out too."

"Callie, if you move, Ace is moving with you."

"Kari, seriously it's fine we will be okay. Lucas has helped me before."

She looks at me before yelling.

"Ace! Rick! Please come in here!"

They walk in and Ace kisses my cheek before putting his arms around me.

"Callie says she is going to look for a house for her and the kids." Keri states

"What!? Callie you can't, you are going through treatment and you now have to care for 3 younger siblings!" Ace yells.

"Ace! I understand stand, but i need to do this!"

"I am going with you."

"No Ace, you are staying here."

"Nope. I am going with you."

"Ace, I am fucking warning you. You are staying here end of discussion."


"Don't say no, it is the end of the fucking discussion."

With that I leave the room and pack my stuff up.

"Callie, where are we going?" Lucas asks.

"We are going to a different house that is much bigger so we can stay out of the North's way." I respond.

He nods and helps me with the bags.

I head out to my car and get the kids in and buckled.

"Callie, wait!" Ace yelled from the house.

"No Ace, I am leaving."

"Why Callie? Why won't you let me go with you?"

"Firstly because Aliza doesn't trust anyone right now other than me, Liam, James, Kat, Scott, Serenity, and my brothers! And second because like I said in the hospital I have done this before by myself!"

"Cal, please." He begs.

"No Ace, I can't have you coming with me. Please just let me do this."

I say and get in the car and I leave.

I look at the printed map and drove to that house that is in the picture.

I look at the printed map and drove to that house that is in the picture

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My eyes start tearing up as I think of my grandpa and cousin.

"You guys, we're here." I say gently.

The smile and get out.

We walk in and we head to the top floor.

"Lucas you have the farthest room twins you share okay?" I ask.

They nod and walk to the rooms.

I get to my room and unpack as my phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Callie, where the hell are you?!" Ace yells.

I hang up the phone and call James, Jake, Liam, Scott, Justin, Shane, Joss, Kat, Kate, Serenity, Cedric, Luca, and Ryan.

They came over and I stared crying.

"Callie, Ace is freaking out, his dad said you had something to tell us that you won't even tell Ace." Justin ran to me and hugged me.

I nod and stare at the floor before I look back at them.

"Callie? Are you okay?"

I shake my head.

"Okay first of all how the hell did you get this?" James asks.

I look at Trin and sign.

"She says her great grandpa and cousin left it for her." she interprets.

They nod.

"Callie, what aren't you telling us?" Cedric asks.

I look at him and he hugs me.

"It's going to be a lot of money, and time for me to get better... and I'm not a hundred percent sure if I will make it." I cry

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