~ Chapter 2 ~

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"Oh yeah I'm in a band."

My jaw dropped. I would have never thought in a million years that my brother would be in a band.

"Since when?" I asked.

"Two years ago, I tried out for this TV show called The X Factor and..." He went on explaining about the show, One Direction, and how it had sky rocketed.

When he finished and parked the car, he turned to me and said, "You're gobsmacked, aren't you?"

"YES!" I practically screamed.


"Its ok. I was surprised. Where are we anyways?" I asked.

The building we were parked infront of had the disappointing look to it. Extremely tall and grey, it just stood there. We got out of the car, got my things from the back and steped inside the building. Suprisingly, it was a beautiful lobby. Glass paintings, friendly people, a chandelier, too! I was just amazed when the lift binged and Liam was holding the door for me. I quickly walked over there and got inside. He pressed the button with the number 12 on it. Once we finally reached the twelvth floor, Liam walked out first and headed down this long hallway and stopped halfway. He got out his key and we entered the flat.

"Guys, I'm back!" He screamed.

Inside, it was white. Like something a band would own. And it was clean at that, too. There was a chandelier on the ceiling, also, but much smaller than ithe one in the lobby of course. A kitchen, several rooms - from the looks of it about 6 or 7, and 2 baths.

"...Libby?" Liam's voice seemed to carry from room the room he was in.

I put my stuff by the entrance hallway, walked past the HDTV and long couch, and ended up in another room with a bigger tele with the word "PAUSED" across the screen, mulitple seats, but 5 boys stood in the middle. Staring at me.

"Guys, meet Libby. Libby Payne. My little step-sister." Liam said.

The other boys eyes got bigger. "By a month, Liam." I added.

"...uh...hi?" I said as I looked at their faces.

Shock. Confused. Amazement. Happiness.

At the same time, they all said, "Hey".I smiled and all of them seemed to, also.

The guy on the left, with baby blue eyes and sunshine blond hair, spoke first. "Hi, I'm Niall Horan."

The one with the dark brown curly hair said, "Hey I'm Harry Styles."

The tallest one with the slick black mohawk style hair said, "I'm Zayn Malik."

And the last one on the right, that almost could look like Liam from afar, with brown colored hair, spoke and said, "Hello I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"And you are all from England?" I asked.

"Everyone except for me. I'm from Ireland." Niall responded.

"Ah ok. Can one of you show me to the tolet?" Zayn was the first to move, and so I followed him to a door right behind me. I smiled at him as I entered the door and locking it. I headed to the sink, splashing water on my face. I dried off my face but when I was about to unclick the door open, I heard them talking about me.

"Hey a deal is a deal. I wont date yours if you don't date mine. Besides, I have Eleanor." Louis seemed to say.

"Eh...she's pretty Liam but not my type. Sorry." Niall said.

"What do you think, Harry? Zayn?"

"I like her." they both said at the same time.

Why do they like me? I'm nothing special.

"Guys, just be nice to her. She's very sensitive but one of the nicest girls I know." Liam said.

I smiled at that comment, but quickly frowned when he said I was sensitive. I guess I was.

"What about Danielle?" Niall said.

"Oh yeah. Her, too." I heard the boys laugh for the first time.

I came out of the bathroom and the laughing quickly stopped. "What?" I said.

Zayn said, "Oh nothing. It's almost time for dinner. Would you like to join us?"

I smiled and said, "Absolutely. I get a chance to know you guys better. Or what kind of trouble I'm getting myself into. Either one."

They smiled and walked out of the room. I wanted to be the last person. Harry was putting away the video game they were playing, so I asked, "What game were you playing?"

He seemed to jump a little bit, probably forgot that I was in the room. "Call of Duty: Black Ops. Why?"

"Just wondering, thats all."

I smiled at him and he seemed to smile back. We walked out the room and into the kitchen, where there was two seats left. One next to Liam and the other one next to Zayn. I wanted to change the game, so I sat inbetween Zayn and Harry, excited for an interesting dinner.

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