~ Chapter 8 ~

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You are welcome. Enjoy!


"WE ARE GETTING ICE CREAM...AREN'T WE?!?!" Niall yelled at me.

I nodded, and he got out of the car as I pulled out the keys. We headed inside the store and we ordered and I paid.

I grabbed my vanilla ice cream cone as Niall grabbed his cup full of ice cream and toppings. We sat outside since it wasn't a bad day out. I made sure I didn't get any on Harry's jacket, so I pushed up my sleeves. Niall only looked at my arms and wrists, and I forgot about my scars. I quickly rolled down the sleeves and Niall just looked at me.

"Libby...where are those from?" He said concerned.

I sighed. I began to tell him about how my father's alcohol addiction started right after our parents got the divorce and me and Liam were separated.

"Dad came in one night and woke me awake and told me to pack everything I own up and we needed to leave. I did what I was told, tears streaming down my face. I never got to say goodbye to Mum or Liam. We just left on the next available flight to New York with my father to live in a cheap apartment in the Upper East Side. From then he started to drink. And sleep around. So I stayed home by myself studying for a test or watching a movie in my room or sneak out onto the balcony to visit my neighbor, Christian, because I was afraid to go out and see a strange lady standing in the middle of my living room or even worse. When he wasn't drinking, he started to hit me. And when he started again...they hurt even more. I was 10 what was I suppose to do? I was afraid to tell anyone or to get help because the beatings could become worse. And this happened for years. Thank goodness not everyday. If it happened everyday... I would probably be dead. But finally it was hot one day and I was brave enough to show my scars to school. So I walked in, revealing my secret that I had been keeping for the past 4 years and my classmates were in tears. My teacher told the principle who contacted my father with threats. Everyone at my school loved me because I never got in trouble and was a straight A student since I arrived. I think his exact words were, 'If you ever hurt this magnificent student again I will report you to NYPD.' When I came home that night I was deathly afraid that I would die, but I found Dad on the couch with all his alcoholic drinks in the sink, empty. 'I just joined AA after your principle called. I'm sorry sweetheart.' and with that he was in tears. I gave him a hug, and he has been sober for 4 years. But I still have nightmares or occasion. I try to cover them up and they have healed A LOT and you don't notice them as much but it's been hard."

Niall and I were in tears.

He just held me as I let everything out. Thank goodness hardly anyone was around to see.

"I never told anyone this besides Christian, Maddie, and Brooklyn. Not even Liam." I finished.

We finally calmed down some to finish eating and to sit in the car. I drove us home, but while we were in the lift Niall hit the 'STOP' button. We stopped moving and the lights dimmed.

"Libby, I am so sorry. I wish I knew earlier. I wish I could of been there to defend you. I wish I was taking the pain instead of you."

I nodded and said, "We need to tell the boys. They are going to ask questions the night of the ball and I want to tell them when they are all together. Can we tell them soon?" He smiled and said yes.

He hit the same button again and we started moving. I got my key out and opened the door, putting Louis' keys on a shelf and proceeding to my room to put my purse and bag down and took my mascara off, figuring I'll be crying more in a little while. I took a while to just sit on my bed with my door closed, needing just alone time for a moment. I eventually came out to the living room where I saw Niall, Harry, and Louis on the couch, with Liam and Danielle on one love seat and Zayn and Perrie on the other.

"What's going on, Libby? Why did Niall force us out of our rooms like a Drill Sargent?" Louis asked.

I ignored his questions, sniffed, and said, "Where's Eleanor? I want her here, too."

"She'll be here in a minute." Niall said and soon enough she came through the door and said, "Niall what's the emergency? I have to be back to work in 10 minutes." and she stopped in her tracks and slowly sat down next to Louis.

I deeply breathed in and out, and I pushed up my sleeves. It took everyone a long moment to realize what was covering my arms. There were tons of gasps, and some tears started to form. I told everyone exactly what I told Niall, and by the end everyone was crying, including me again.

"But, guys, don't feel bad for me. What's done is done, and I can never take it back. But I am perfectly fine and healthy, and I can live with the pain. I have for the last 8 years. I can survive a hundred more." I smiled, and they all smiled back.

Liam was the first one to get up and give me a hug. He leaned down and whispered in my ear ever so quietly, "Libby, I am so sorry. I am so sad Dad would hurt you like that. Even though we are not blood related, you have always been the perfect sister to me." I started to cry some more, and he tighten his grip.

Soon everyone started to get up and form hugs all around us. I screamed, "CAN'T BREATHE!!!" and everyone started to laugh. I looked around at their smiling faces, and then I checked the clock.

"El! It's been more then 10 minutes!" I said.

"Its ok. This is more important."

I rolled my eyes, and said, "Go. Go get your job back. I'm fine."

She smiled, kissed Louis on the lips and she mouthed the words "thank you" before kissing the top of my head and heading out the door. I saw Perrie run to Zayn's room and grab a box of tissues and started to pass it around.

"Oh you guys are such cry babies." I said, causing everyone to laugh a little to ease the tension. They all started to talk again, but before I said, "How about I cook dinner? Who will join?" Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam and Dani raised their hand. Zayn turned to Perrie and said, "Dinner reservation tomorrow night instead babe?" She nodded, and then I went straight to the fridge.

I channeled my inner Brooklyn, since she was the chef. I saw a huge hunk of hamburger meat, and decided on a bleu cheese burger. I grabbed a pan and heated the meat, while cooking up some corn and some potatoes.

"WE WANT FOOD! WE WANT FOOD!" The boys said as they banged on the table.

I grabbed some bleu cheese and sprinkled some in the pan. Once it was done cooking I rolled the meat in a ball with the cheese inside and included the two side dishes on 8 plates. I handed to each of them and they thought it was really good. I had some too and it was one of my best dishes I made yet. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and scarfed it down rather fast. Dani offered to do dishes and Perrie helped.

"All the women in this house are in their rightful place." Louis said.

I looked at him, walked over to where he was sitting, and slapped him on his cheek. He was gobsmacked, and then I whispered, "How dare you?" and turned around to take off my apron.

"Why would you say that, Louis? That was just rude, mate." Harry said. I had my back turned to him but I was smiling.

"It was a joke, Libby! I promise."

I gave him a stern look and said, "Look I'm going to my room. I will see you all in the morning. Goodnight." and walked straight to my bedroom.

I closed the door, and went to go take a shower. It felt good to wash off the dirt of the day. I came out of the shower and put on one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

I moved everything off my bed onto the floor, except my dress went into my drawer. I sat on my bed and opened my MacBook to see my Twitter feed blown up.

I heard a knock on my door, and said, "Come in." without looking up from the screen.

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