~ Chapter 23 ~

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I woke up to a machine beeping at me and a person crying next to me. My eyes kept on opening and closing, so what I could see was that I was in a white room.

I finally controlled my body to open my eyes all the way to find I was in a hospital room and Liam's face was in his palms. I groaned which caused him to look up.

"Oh my god." I opened my mouth ever so slightly to signal that I needed water. He got up, raced to the other side of my bed to the pull out table and slowly brought the glass to my hand. My weak right arm grabbed the glass and brought it up to my dry lips, where I took the biggest gulp of water on the planet.

After several sips later, I was able to talk again.

"Hi Liam." I said in a raspy voice.

"Hi Libby. How do you feel?" "Li I jus got ran over by a tru." He sat back in the chair and started to stroke my hair.

"Libby...you had a concussion. It was minor, but you have been knocked out for two days."

"TWO DAYS?!" I tried to scream.

"Don't hurt yourself. What's the last thing you remember?" I had to take a moment.

"You. Harry. Dad. And then...dark." I only could say some words.

"That's very good. Yes, you fainted but when you hit the ground your head hit pretty hard on the tile. We tried to wake you but it didn't work. I thought you were dead. Harry called the ambulance so the took you into here and told us that you had a minor concussion. I was so afraid I was going to loose you." Tears started to form on his face again.

"Liam, it's okay. I here."

He formed a smile on his face. "We did a surprise concert last night. A girl held up a sign that said, 'We love you, Libby Elizabeth Payne!' Then all of us started tearing up during Moments. We dedicated the song to you!"

I gave him a weak smile, knowing that I was still extremely sore.

"And the best part is that today on Twitter, everyone was trending, 'Stay Strong Libby'. Isn't that great?" He said. I nodded.

"I'm just so glad you are awake. All of us were taking shifts, making sure when you wake up that one of us would be here. And you are awake! How great is that!"

Liam just from there started rambling.

"And the doctor came in from time to time checking in on you making sure you were still breathing. He told us when you arrived that you may not wake up for a couple of days or even months. And that's why I was crying. Like what if I never saw you again? What if I never got to say goodbye? What if the last thing you remembered was that Harry and I surprised you? Cause I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't know what would happen if you never woke up---"

I touched his arm which made him shut up.

"Liam, I lo you. I estrem tired. I just nee sleep." He looked into my eyes.

"I promise I'll be here when you wake up." I smiled at him and he held my hand.

Suddenly, someone bursts through the door as my eyes start to close.

It was Harry. He was stunned.

"You're awake." I gave him a weak smile of mine before he dropped his carry out meal on the ground and ran over to me.

I saw Liam slowly back out of the room out of the corner of my eye.


"Hi Harry."

He started petting my hair and tears formed in his mint green eyes.

"Don't cry. I okay."

A tear fell from his left eye and stayed on his cheek. I lifted my hand ever so gently to wipe it away.

"I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone forever. It was all my fault. I-I...." His words died out.

"Harry, it alright. I okay. I sore, weak, and estrem tired, but I okay. Okay?"

He nodded and embraced me into a hug. His scent was overpowering and made me a little dizzy.

Once he let go, he sat on the bed, grabbed my hands, and told me about the Twitter thing that Liam mentioned. I didn't stop him. Harry looked so happy when he told me that the fans were shouting my name at the concert. He brought me up to date on the whole wedding situation and everything that has been going on.

"Wa day is it?" I asked.


"Tommor's the weddin!" I said rather loud. He gave me this huge smile on his face before kissing me.

He let go, and the doctor came in. He was surprise to find me awake so soon! He ran a bunch of tests, and finally said, "Well, you have a little bit of a slur, but that could be from your tiredness. Get some sleep, and if you are feeling well in the morning, you can leave."

I smiled at the three men in my room, then drifted off into a goodnight sleep.


Hey guys! So I know I haven't posted in a while / sent any messages lately. It's because of one thing: SCHOOL.

I don't like being a freshman.



It sucks.

So I'm trying my best.

Just deal with me for now, okay loves?

Oh, my best friend asked me to post her story on mine, so Haven't Met You Yet, is...once again...not mine. But you should still read it. Cause, I'm in it.



~ quietprincess

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