Chapter 18

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"It has been a while since we went on patrol like this, don't you think? "Aki asked with with a smile on his face, making me blush a bit. Yuki didn't want to go to Tartarus today, but Aki wants to get some practice, so we ended up going on a patrol together.

"Yeah, it brings back memories. "I chuckled.

"It does right? I remember that there's one time you and Shinji came back into the dorm with black liquid all over your body. I remember that we almost attacked you guys because we thought that you're shadows. "Aki laughed.

"Yeah, I remember. We barely make it back alive after fighting that shadow and that's how you congratulate us. Shinji smacked you alive back them. "I giggled at the memory. The memory that I'll cherish till the end of my day.

"Hey, look! Is that the preparation for the summer festival? "He asked as he pointed at the shrine just up ahead. Nice lanterns are hung up the stairs except that it's still half finished.

"I think so. I wonder what it looks like when they're done. "I smiled wryly as I stared at the lanterns.

"You never seen it before? It's quite pretty. "He said with a soft smile on his face.

"Really? I can only imagine. "

"If you want, do you want to go with me? "He asked. I only gave him a soft smile, but on the inside, I'm screaming like a crazy fan girl. Then again, I wouldn't be able to have another summer now. So, why not?

"Promise? "I asked as I reached out my pinky.

"What are you? Ten?....... Promise. "He chuckled a bit before he reached out his pinky and hooked mine. I smiled that he played along. Perhaps he was too caught up in the warm little moment we're having since I noticed faint blushes on his face.

"Akihiko, do you copy? "Mitsuru's voice came out from the communicating device.

"Yeah, I copy. "Aki replied as he lets go of our pinky.

"Yamagishi detected a shadow outside of Tartarus and you're nearby so go find Kiera and hurry there. "Mitsuru ordered.

"Mitsuru, what are you talking about? Kiera is just right beside me. "He seems confused and glance towards me to confirm my existence.

"What? Hold on a sec. "She was quiet for a while.

"Yes, you're right. It seems that the machine is malfunctioning, I'll have someone to look into it. Anyways, the shadow is just at Nagaraki Shrine. "Mitsuru said.

"Roger that. Let's go, Kiera. "He said as he started running. I chuckled a bit before I followed him. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain that shocks my entire body, causing me to be paralyzed for a second there and I collapsed onto the floor.

"Kiera?! "Aki who was in front of me took an emergency break.

"I'm okay, I just tripped. "I said as I quickly got up. Aki saw that there's nothing wrong with me and continued to run towards the shrine. I stood there for a minute, gasping for air with my hand squeezing tight onto my chest. I reached for my pills and quickly shallow one before I ran towards Aki. Usually I would wait for the pain to die down before I continue to move, but I can't risk letting him finds out. Luck for me, the pain didn't last for long.

When I finally caught up to Aki, he was staring at a white dog which was covered in blood on the floor with his eyes widened. I wonder what's wrong with him.

"Aki? "I place my hand on his shoulder. He must be in deep thoughts since I seems to have startled him.

"Kiera?....... Sorry, I kinda dose off a bit. "He sighed when he noticed that it's just me. We both turned our head at the same time when we heard the dog whimpered in pain.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now