Chapter 15

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The meeting with had with her father didn't end well at all. Yukari ran off on her own after she found out that her father was the reason behind the dark hour. Yuki went after her while the rest of us stayed back, sitting awkwardly together. I was quiet with my head low. I don't feel comfortable at all. I thought I know everything they know, but they hide the fact that we'll end the dark hour by hunting down all twelve shadows that escaped from the lab. Not only that, Mitsuru and Aki had hide the fact that the Kirijou is somehow connected to the dark hour from the second years. In result, Yukari had a fight with both seniors beforehand, especially with Mitsuru. I thought that we're a team and there's nothing to hide between us......... I guess I was wrong about that. I don't like this feeling at all.

With a sigh, I stood up to leave. But, Mitsuru stopped me.

"Kiera, where are you going? "She sounds concerned.

"....... To clear my head a bit. "I replied.

"....... Are you mad? "

"No, I'm not. Just a bit disappointed that all of you hide such important things from me. "I answered and left the room. After that, I climbed to the roof and stared at the sea as it seems to have a calming effect.

"Still got room for one more? "I turned around and saw Aki walking towards me with a soft smile. I watched him as he stood beside me, staring at the sea with me.

"Do you like the sea? "He asked.

"A little I guess. When I stare at it, I realize how huge this world is and I'm nothing but a small speck. "

"I guess you're really mad that we keep such things from you. "

"I'm not mad....... Just disappointed. "

"........ I know you treasure all of us. That's why I couldn't bring myself to tell you when it happened. You're already very depressed back then. I just don't want you to feel burdened even more. "

"By hiding something just as big as ending the dark hour from me? Yeah, thanks a lot. "I replied sarcastically.

"Yeah........ Shinji would've done exactly what you did, perhaps even punch me for it. "He chuckled softly.

"Yeah, he'll definitely do that. "I smiled a bit, imagining how Shinji will punch him in the face.

"....... Did Mitsuru ask you to go after me? "I asked him.

"Yeah, but part of me just wanted to do it anyway. "

"Why? "

"........ I've told you about my sister right? Miki Sanada who died in the orphanage fire. "I flinched, why is he telling me that?! Did I touched his old scars without realizing?!

"Yes...... "I replied carefully, being careful with my words.

"No need to get sensitive on me....... I know. You heard it from Shinji, he had told me about it. "

"Sorry. "I apologized for lying.

"It's okay, you're so kind and gentle. Just like a mixture of both Miki and Shinji........ It makes me hard to bring myself to say something that will hurt you. "I was shocked to hear that, what does he mean by that?

"Shinji was in the orphanage ever since I first met him. I thought that he was all alone. But, once I've lost Miki, he told me something, a secret that he have never told a single soul. "He continued.

"What is it? "I asked.

"........ That bastard hide the fact that he has a sister from me. "I flinched when I heard that.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now