Chapter 72

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       "Yu.......ka....... Yu.......ka......"

      "......... It's okay, Yuka is fine. "With a sour feeling running up her nose, Yukari forced out a smile and patted Haruna's head.

     "Yuka for Yukari-chan huh....... "Fuuka's brows furrowed as she wrote the name down onto a piece of paper.

     "It seems that it's her limit for now. "Aigis stated. Haruna blinked for a bit, then she slowly lifted her head and stared at Aigis.

     "..... Ai...... "

     "Yes, Kiera-san? "Aigis subconsciously responded, but she didn't get a response of any sorts.

      "....... Ah, I mean....... What's the matter, Haruna-san? "Aigis quickly fixed herself. This time, Haruna blinked a bit before she slowly lifted her finger and pointed at the red turtle neck wooly sweater in Aigis's arms.

      "Ah, are you cold? Here. "Yukari quickly snatched the sweater and wrapped Haruna up with it. Haruna didn't react for the first few minutes. Eventually, she seems to have finally noticed that the sweater is on her and buried her face further into the high neckline of the sweater.

      "........ I guess I still need time to get used to her slow reactions. "Fuuka sighed once they are sure that Haruna was comfortable. Her words silenced everyone in the room.

       "Darn that Ikutsuki. "Junpei cursed.

     "I know it's a lot to take in. But, please bear with it until we can find a solution to her condition. Hopefully a cure. "Mitsuru hugged herself as she said that.

     "Don't beat yourself too much about it, we're in this together. We're all responsible. "Ken stated.

      "Woof! "Koromaru barked as if it was supporting that statement.

Akihiko doesn't seem to be bothered by his surroundings at all. He continued to flip through the pages of his book until he paused at a certain line.

     "Hmm? What's wrong? "He tore his gaze away from the page only when he felt Haruna leaning onto him. That's when they all notice that she's looking quite drowsy.

      "Do you want to go back to your room? "Akihiko asked softly. It took a while, but she shook her head.

      "Okay, wanna stay here instead? "

She nodded.

       "Makoto, could you fetch her another blanket? "Mitsuru asked Yuki as he was seated nearer to the stairs. Yuki nodded and headed upstairs. Akihiko on the other hand leaned forward and reached his hand onto the chest which was placed on the tea table. He pulled out a rabbit doll and handed it to Haruna.

Haruna stared at the doll with her hollow eyes, then she reached out her arms and pulled the doll closer towards her. Slowly and gently, she laid her head down onto Akihiko's lap with the doll in her arms. Both herself and Akihiko shifted a bit to get into a more comfortable position. Once that was achieved, Haruna closed her eyes as she gradually drifts herself into sleep. Akihiko's hand pressed on her forehead and turned towards Junpei.

     "Can you grab the ice bag? She's a bit feverish. "He whispered, trying his best to keep the volume low.

     "On it. "Junpei got up from his seat without a second thought.

With Haruna sleeping there, everyone tried to keep their volume at a bare minimum.

     "So, aside from extremely sensitive to cold and having fever for almost 24/7, anything else we need to be cautious of? "Junpei asked once he returned with the ice bag. He gently fixed it onto her head with Akihiko's help before he sat back down. At the same time, Yuki had returned with the blanket. Once he noticed that Haruna was fast asleep, he tiptoed towards her and covered her body with the blanket. Then, he joined Junpei back on the couch.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now