Chapter 48

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Searching for her was the first thing that came into his mind once they found out she's missing. He was worried, there's no way out except the third-floor window, he was terrified at the thought that she may have jumped. Yet, she stopped him.

"....... Let go Mitsuru. "He tried to be calm, his eyes glued on the hand on his arm.

"....... Just let her be. "He flinched at her cruel words.

"What did you just said?......... She jumped from the third floor, Mitsuru! "He loses his cool.

"Don't let your emotions get to you, Akihiko. "She warned him.

"I can say the same to you. "He replied as he pulled her hand away from him and ran out of the dorm to search for her. Fuuka didn't say anything, she knew that it's not her place to say anything, yet she's still worried. She returned to her own room and summoned her persona once the dark hour began.

It was like God didn't want her to be found, she's missing from their world, it's like she had disappeared. The others didn't do anything else, they locked in their own room, too shocked by the cruel fact until they didn't know what to do. Yet, it was mainly that they didn't want to get on Mitsuru's nerves.

By the time Akihiko finally returns to the dorm, it's already morning. Exhausted and pale, Mitsuru excused him from school with the demand that he would sort out his own emotions with all those extra time.

Alone in the dorm, he stared at the paper which has the puzzle that he has yet to solve for months. He didn't understand it. He lifted up his head and stared at the final paper crane that she had given him, he hesitated for a while before he reached out to open it. This is not the time to keep promises.

I've probably disappeared from your life when you open this....... Knowing you, you've probably broken the promise to solve the paper crane puzzle........ I know that I'm not in place to say this, but....... Please solve it before you continue to read.

He flinched once he red the first few lines. What does she mean by that?! He picked up the unsolved puzzle again.

Hint: 8 letters

"........ 8 letters? "He gave it another thought. Suddenly, an idea hits him. He randomly grabbed a pencil and started scrapping every 8 letters he counts. The results made his heart stopped.


Four simple words, that was the message. He was shocked, it's not that he's shocked by the contents, it's the fact that this was given to him a few months back. She practically had told him about it. Something doesn't add up here! With that in mind, he quickly continues to read that freshly opened paper crane, hoping that it has the answers he needs.

I really hope that you're honest when you reached here. But....... I guess it doesn't matter anymore........ I'm sorry, for lying to you. But, I really wanted you to know, the time I spend with everyone, was the best one in my life. I really enjoyed every second of it........ I'm sure you know that I'm hiding something, the reason behind these puzzles and my disappearance........ Sorry, I'm taking them to my grave, Aki. Not that I don't trust, it's just...... Too much to handle, even for myself....... Sorry and....... Goodbye.

He dropped the paper, unable to believe what he had just read, this is the polar opposite of how she acted last night. He gritted his teeth, there's something more than this. With that, he decided to examine the very thing that caused all of this. Shinjirou's voice recording.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now