Chapter 67

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Alone in the hall, Mitsuru stared at her father's photo with a heavy heart. She then took out the cracked ruby she retrieved after they caught Shiomi. Her father's gone, her friend was one step away from her grave, all because she trusted Ikutsuki too much. If she just trusts her when Ikutsuki presented her with false evidence, will it end differently today?

The sound of her phone ringing snapped her back from her thoughts. Her heart dropped further when she recognizes the number. It's from the hospital. She specifically instructed that everything related to Kiera is to inform Akihiko as she knew that she would be too busy for it. Unless........ It's a piece of news so big that may affect Akihiko's mental state. That kind of news must go through Mitsuru first.

Mitsuru feared for the worst, Kiera is already in a dire state when she left her. She couldn't think Kiera's condition could worsen any further unless........

      "........ Mitsuru speaking. "She spoke as she picked up the call. Biting onto her lips, trying her best to hold back her tears as she mentally prepares herself for the news.

The news was shocking, she couldn't believe her own ears. Her mouth parted to say something, but no words came out. Eventually, she covered her mouth with tears falling down from her eyes as she listened to the doctor continues. When the call finally ended, she stared at her father's photo as she recalled his last words before he was shot, then she hugged onto the photo and cried her heart out.

I won't let you take another child's life.

       "Greetings. "Akihiko paused when he heard that familiar voice. He turned to his right and saw Aigis standing beside him.

     "Oh, welcome back Aigis. How's the tune-up? "Akihiko smiled in relief to see her back in one piece. He stepped further into the dorm, closing the door behind him.

      "It went well, they also removed the remote control system so I will not be overridden again. "Aigis reported, her eyes glued on the floor.

     "That's good. "Akihiko hummed. He checked his watch, if he takes a shower now, he still can make it to the hospital.

     ".......... Aren't you mad? "Aigis questioned softly. Akihiko paused, he knew exactly what she meant by that.

    "It's not your fault, Aigis. Bad things just happen, that's how life works. "He reassured.

     "But I........ "

     "No one asked for this Aigis. I'm just glad that the situation didn't worsen further with you gone............ By the way, what are you guys doing? "He questioned when he noticed that Fuuka, Yukari, Junpei, and Ken are surrounding a locked chest.

     "Ah, sempai! Welcome back, wanna come to help us out? "Yukari questioned.

     "What is it? "He asked as he approached them. He then noticed that there're many papers with scribbled codes on the floor, the chest on the other hand was locked by a digital code.

      "Okay, where did you guys get this? "He questioned as he examined the chest. They were quiet for a while before Ken answered.

      "It's one of Kiera-san's puzzles. "Akihiko flinched when he heard that.

     "I was cleaning her room earlier. I found this inside her closet, it came with this note. I figured........that it can be used to get our heads out of things for a bit. "Fuuka made eye contact with her fellow teammates before handing Akihiko the note.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now