Chapter 21

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      "If you have anything to say......... Just say it........ I'll listen. "I said to them with a depressive tone. Chidori's brows lifted a bit as she noticed the aura around me was as dark as shadows like there's a rain cloud on my head. Jin on the other hand seems uncomfortable seeing me like this.

       "......... Did something happened? "Jin finally broke the awkward silence.

      "......... Nothing........ Just recently find out that even a dog can summon a persona better than I can. "I replied as I slammed myself onto the table feeling defeated. Koromaru, the white dog is officially a member of SEES.........with a persona.

      "I thought you've gotten used to it by now....... "Chidori commented softly, being careful to not trigger anything sensitive.

     "I thought I have, but it still feels weird when you experience it over and over again. "I sighed as I answered her words.

      "A dog that can summon a persona? That's a first. "Jin commented.

      "Okay, enough of straying away from the main topic, explanation, now. "I demanded.

     "You guys want to end the dark hour and we don't, easy, end of story. "Jin said with his arms crossed.

      "Why on earth that you didn't want to end the dark hour? We all know how dangerous it is. "I debated.

      "Things may have been easier if you didn't hide such information from us. "Chidori said.

     "I didn't mean to hide it, I only learnt that during my trip to Yakushima......... That's right, you've been questioning me about it before I even went there. "I glance at Jin.

      "........ Fine, I'm sorry that I assumed things that didn't discuss this with you first. I shouldn't have doubted you. "Jin sighed as he apologized.

      "I'll just let that slide, you still haven't answer my question. "I said to him, then I glanced towards Chidori.

      "I merely follows Takaya's wishes, you know that I'm the one who just listens. "She replied calmly and without a single hesitation.

     "Well, the follower had made her statement  what about the adviser? "I eyed at Jin, he couldn't make an excuse like Chidori's, Takaya listens to him and whenever he makes a decision, he'll consult Jin. Jin stared at me for a while before he sighed.

     "I have my own reasons, it's just not the same as Takaya's. "He simply stated.

     "And what is that? "I pushed further.

     ".......... How many members you have in SEES now? "He suddenly changed the subject.

     "Nine, including me! Now answer the damn question! "

      "......... There's something weird about SEES. "He said in a serious tone.

     "What is weird? "

     "Your boss is Ikutsuki right? "Even Chidori flinched when she heard that name from Jin.

      "Kinda like an advisor, why? "

      ".......... Beware of him. If you begin your investigation on him, you'll know why. "

     "Oh, come on. No more, riddles Jin. Just tell me already. "I whinned.

     "Then, are you up for a deal? "I flinched at the sound and turned around to see Takaya.

      "It has been a while, princess. "He smirked as he greeted me.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now