Chapter 68

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      "........ What do you mean that no visitors is allowed? "Akihiko questioned as he was stopped in front of her room. He nervously watched doctors and nurses enter and exits her room.

     "Well........ You see, Sanada-kun. I didn't want to alarm you, but there has been some changes to her condition. "His face whitens at soon as he heard it from the doctor.

     "Until we're sure that she's stable, I'll inform you as soon as I can. Still, you can relax a bit, I doubt that things will get much worst than before. "The doctor reassured.

     "Then, what's wrong with her? "

     "........ I prefer not to say now, I don't want to get your hopes up only to disappoint you later......... Take this as a little selfishness from me to care for your mental state. "The doctor sighed and he patted Akihiko's shoulder before he re-enters the Ward.

Care for his mental state?

      "Hey, Akihiko sempai. "Snapping out from his thoughts, he turned around and saw Junpei walking towards him with a bitter smile.

     "Junpei? What are you doing here? "He questioned.

    "Well, I get a call from the hospital that Chidori condition had worsen a bit. Though, she doesn't seem like it at all. As soon as I enter the room, she literally threw me out again. Like seriously, what did I do wrong? "Junpei whined.

     "I see....... Good for you. "Akihiko shows a forced smile, this time, Junpei didn't fail to notice. That's when he caught sight of the busy ward behind Akihiko, without a single explanation, he could tell what's wrong with his senior.

      "Hey, since we have time. Want to go somewhere with me? My treat. "Junpei offered.
      "We managed to patch her up, but the persona is completed destroyed. In order to get her working, we have to make a copy it. Since the persona in her is fake, it's probably impossible to summon it. "A mechanic explained as he guided the heiress of the Kirijou Group to his workshop.

      "I see. "Mitsuru responded absent-mindedly.

      "Still, I couldn't believe that it was a human who did such damage. I could only picture what it can do to a human. "The man stated as he opened the door, revealing a purple hair girl with metal patches visible on her skin.

      ".......... Sis.....ter? "She questioned as she titled her head. Her face shows curiosity yet her voice filled with bad tuned digital tone.

     "I haven't fix her voice box, not to mention giving her a convincing skin. But, she should be able to answer the questions you have. "He shrugged as he leaned against the door, letting Mitsuru do whatever she wants.

     "........ Thank you. "Mitsuru stepped closer to the girl, the girl's eyes followed her until their eyes meet when Mitsuru is within arm's reach.

     "O........nee?....... Mit......suru? "

     "........ Tell me everything you know. "Mitsuru demanded.

    "Every.......... Ti? "

    "......... What can I do to save the host of your persona? "

     "........ Hose......... Kie........ra........ "Mitsuru flinched when the name was heard.

     " Death.......... Nyx..........master..... Heal.....shadow. Haru.......... Shadow. "Nothing she said made sense, but Mitsuru noticed some important terms in those random rambling. So, she listened to her without cutting her off.

     "End.......coming......... Aki. "Mitsuru jumped at the name.

     "What do you mean by that?! What does it have to do with Akihiko?! "Mitsuru couldn't help but to cut her off. The girl shut down before she answered that question.

     "Tck, out of batteries again. Sorry, Mrs Kirijou. That's the limit I can do without a unless supply of power from personas. "The man sighed.

     "......... I see. Then, continue to work on her. I'll come again. "Mitsuru turned and left, determined to complete her task.
In the dark hour, Akihiko signed in relief as he watched the shadow dissolved into a black pool. There are more shadows in the city lately, he's starting to worry whether he could keep up the pace.

     "I guess that's enough for tonight. "He checked the time, the dark hour is going to end soon. He better head back before his friends starts to worry.

Suddenly, he jumped when he heard a trash can tumbled behind him. By the time he turned around, he only saw half of a leg sticking out from the wall. The leg soon disappeared as the trash can slammed onto the ground, soon a huge shadow headed towards the same direction.

      ".......... That's a dead end! "It took him a while to process what had just happened. A person ran pass him. A shadow chasing them. A dead end just around the corner. When he pieced up all these information, he jumped and ran after them.

He froze when he turned towards the dead end. Apparently the shadow was chasing a person who's wearing dirty old clothes with a beanie hat. He didn't even flinched when he reached the end of the corridor. In fact, he jumped and used the wall as a stepping stone, then he flipped over in mid air and pulled out two metal sticks. After that, he slashed the back of the shadow before he landed behind it as the shadow slammed into the wall.

     "Woah......... "Akihiko watched in awe, it's like watching a ninja action show. Apparently, he was heard. The person flinched and turned towards him, causing them both to froze.

     "........ A.........girl? "He's shocked to see that she is a girl. She stared at him with wide eyes, surprised to see someone other than herself. She's so focus on him that she didn't notice that the shadow had gotten up.

    "Look out! "Akihiko shouted, but he was too late. The shadow grabbed her leg, causing her to yelp in surprise before she was thrown to the other side, slamming into more trash cans.

Even though it's not a hard hit, Akihiko froze at the sight of blood splashed out of her tiny body like a water balloon exploding. His body trembles as he stared at the lifeless body of the girl. For some reasons, he suddenly knew her name.

     "Kiera! "He shouted. He paused when he noticed the scenery change around him. He's not in the back alley but his room. His hand reached out as if he's going too grab something. It didn't take him long to find himself sitting in bed with his eyes leaking uncontrollably.

      "A.......... Nightmare? "He asked himself, he place his hand on his thundering heart, trying to calm himself down.

      "Hmph, you never changed Aki. Still crying over nightmares. "Akihiko flinched when he heard that voice.

     "Shinji! "He quickly called only to noticed that no one is in his room.

    "........... God damnit........ I'm starting to lose it. "He cursed himself before he laid back down, covering his eyes and biting onto his lips as he continued to cry silently.
     ".......... Should we tell them? "A man questioned the doctor as he stared at the girl sitting on the bed.

     "......... Yeah, they may have a higher chance to help her recover if their relationship really is just as close as we imagine. "The doctor sighed as he gently poked the girl's cheeks, no response, as always.

      ".......... To think that losing a persona did this to her. "

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now