Chapter 47

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I slowly opened up my eyes when I heard an unfamiliar ringtone, I found myself still in Aki's arms on the bed. He winced before he finally opened his eyes, yawning as he reached for his phone beside his bed. He flipped over to his stomach, chin rested on his pillow with his left arm still holding onto my waist. I smiled as I copied his position, space we have got tighter but we didn't mind at all, perhaps, his brain still hasn't really registered it yet as he seems to be in a half-asleep state with his eyes half open and his voice sluggish. He looks cute like that.

"....... Hello...... "He picked up the phone, barely keeping himself awake. I have to make an effort to not laugh at him.

"In my room....... Why? "He spoke in a sluggish tone like he could fell back to sleep the next second. That's when I noticed that some of his hair stood up in the funniest way, giggling a bit, I reached out to press it down only to laugh when it stood back up.

"The command room? "He blinked for a few times before he glanced at me, smiling at me lovingly. This time he's finally awake.

"Okay, we'll be there. "He responded in a cheerful tone before he hung up.

"Who is it? "I asked.

"Mitsuru, she wants to meet everyone in the command room now. "He answered before he reached out his hand and cupped my forehead.

"What? "I'm confused with his action.

"Nothing, I thought you're burning up a bit. I guess it's just my imagination. "He said as he pushed himself up from the bed, I followed afterward.

"Did she say what is it about? "I asked.

"No, but she did say it is important. "He said as he grabbed a brush and handed it to me. With a smile on his face, he pointed at the right side of his hair. I subconsciously reached to the left side of my hair and realized that it's a mess. I brushed my head with a faint blush on my face, once I'm done I reached out the brush and made the second attempt to get rid of that stubborn hair of his. He blushed a bit when I did that. Once we're done, we stared at each other for a while before we both laughed for no particular reason. Life is good.

"We're here. "Aki said as he opened the door to the command room with me following him from behind. The bright atmosphere we had died down almost instantly once we stepped inside. Everyone has already gathered, even Ikutsuki is there, yet the tension between them is suffocating. Something is terribly wrong, that much we can tell.

"Kiera........ It's not true, right? Please tell me it's not true, it's just a prank right? "Junpei asked me with a broken voice, trying his best to keep himself together. I flinched when I heard that, what does he know?

"What are you talking about Junpei? "Aki questioned. Mitsuru reached out and pressed a button on the device which placed on the table. It seems like a voice recording.

My name is Shinjirou Aragaki.

Both Aki and I flinched at both the voice and the statement. Did Shinji record something?

To whoever listening to this, I think it's safe to say I'm dead now. I know what you're thinking Aki, don't bother it or I'll smack you if I get the chance.

"That Shinji. "Aki laughed a bit, tears are visible on his eyes but the smile he had on his face stood strong. This is definitely Shinji from what I can tell. To think he left something behind for us.

I know that it's not like me to record something like this, but I have no other choice. That girl had her eyes on me.

I flinched, why am I getting a bad feeling from this.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now