Chapter 66

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Alone in her room, Akihiko held onto her hand as he say his prayers. He's not exactly religious, even back in the orphanage, it was his sister who forced him and Shinjirou to say their prayers every night. Come to think, he never feel the need to do it, for a long time, everything he wants can be done by working hard. This time, he knew, he couldn't do anything else other than this for her.

     "......... I know that you hate hospitals, but I can't be helped......... I talked to Mafune-san and learned quiet a lot actually.......... But, I won't leave you. I promised that didn't I? So.......... Please don't go anywhere I can't follow. "Akihiko said as he kissed her hand, cupping it, hoping that he could give his warm to her cold body.

     "Sanada-san, visiting hours are over. "The nurse came in to get him. Kiera is still in a critical state, they wouldn't let anyone see her any longer than two hours every day.

      "......... I'll come again tomorrow. "Akihiko promised her before he stepped out of the room. Once again, he leaned against the wall and stared at the key in his palm. Somehow, it has became something that calms him down.

Suddenly, his phone rang, causing him to jump a bit. He's quite surprise to see that it's Fuuka as she rarely contacts him outside the dark hour.

     "Hello? Akihiko speaking. "He said as he picked up the call.

     "......... Sempai, can you meet me in the command room once you've returned?.......... There's something important that..........I would like to tell you guys. "Akihiko paused a bit at her depressed tone. This may be more serious than he thought.

      "........ Okay. I'll see you then. "He hung up his phone afterwards. He glanced at Kiera for once last time before he headed straight for the dorm.
Once she's sure that Akihiko had left, she snuck out of her room. It's not exactly a difficult task now since SEES is no longer in shape to keep her in check. She slips into the room without fail, the room where her best friend lies at the verge of death.

     "You just won't give up won't you? "She questioned the girl surrounded my machines. As expected, she didn't get a response.

     "What's so good about living anyways? I know you understand it, you suffered more pain than I do........ So, why?........ Why didn't you give in to your salvation?........ Why do you fight to stay alive when that will only lead you to more pain? Is it because of the regrets you have? Or there's something that you need to do no matter what? "She questioned as she stepped closer until she eventually stopped when she reached the side of the bed with her only within arm's reach.

     ".......... Is it wanted to protect your last pillar? Do you love that light so much that you're willing to give your already short life for it? ........ I don't think that I could ever understand that, such a stupid meaningless act............ But........ "She grabbed her cold hand, it didn't take it long to start glowing in a warm golden light.

     "I owe you my life.......... Now, we're even. "
     "Fuuka, what do you want to talk about? "Junpei was the first one to break the suffocating silence once everyone except for Mitsuru and Aigis has gathered. She's sitting on the chairman's seat with a box in front of her, she's extremely quiet which allows the rest of the team to feel the seriousness of the situation.

     "......... The reason that I gather everyone here......... Is because I wanted to talk about Kiera-chan. "After some time, she finally spoke. Her words made everyone flinched.

     "What's wrong? "Yukari questioned, she had a terrible feeling about it.

     "Did her conditions worsened?! "Ken questioned as he panicked a bit.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now