Chapter 58

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       "Kiera, I bought you dinner. "Akihiko stepped into the small hut with a bright mood.

       "Kiera? "He was shocked to see that she wasn't there. Her things are still there, so Akihiko thought she may have gone out. After that, he places the food on the table where he noticed a small note.

Sorry, some personal things came up so I will be gone for two days. Good luck on your final full moon operation, I'll see you the day after you ended the dark hour.


         "Personal things? "Akihiko gave it a thought. Did she recover that fast? What personal things though? ......... Strega? Akihiko growled a bit as he didn't like that theory, but that's part of her family too, so he can't complain about it. At least........ She gave him a timeline on when to expect her. That alone, is reassuring to know.

He stared at the food he bought for her before he grabbed it again and stepped out of the hut. He doesn't have a reason to be here.
It's cold and dark, the silence is simply frightening yet comforting at the same time. I couldn't stop my body from shivering, no longer sure whether it was caused by the low temperature around me or the fear of the unknown.

Suddenly, I was splashed with freezing cold water, making all my body tensed up. I choked for air, yet the bruises on my chest prevent me to take in huge breaths. Everywhere hurts and the cooling feeling of the water doesn't help at all. Even so, I made an effort to open up my black eye, knowing that I would definitely suffer if I don't do so. I lifted my head with all the strength that I've left, staring straight at the insane man who put me in this situation.

      "You know what I always like about you? "Ikutsuki squatted down and grabbed my chin so that I'm looking straight into his eyes. He squeezed the fresh bruises on my face, making them too painful to even try and make an effort to struggle out of his grasp. I hated this mad man, I would've murdered him at this very spot if he didn't have me tied up on a chair.

      "It's the look on your face that you always put on, no matter how dire your situation is. It's cute, to be honest. "He smirked, then he stood back up and slapped me hard, giving me another bruise on my face. I bit onto my lips to prevent any signs of weakness being shown, but I bit them too hard to the point they start to bleed. The taste of blood started to linger in my mouth.

      "To be honest, I find it ironic. I thought you needed me alive for the harvest......... And here you are now, torturing me to death." I let out a mocking laugh as I glared at him.

       "I guess you remember, after all, my princess. But, consider this as your final boost. "He pulled a chair out of nowhere and sat down in front of me. I guess this is the part where he starts to tell me his great plan. Great, just great. I have to get out of here.

       "I'm sure you somehow remember the three steps. Insertion, Domination, and Harvest. After we put the persona in your body, you have to take the dominant force over the persona. If you failed to do that, you die, simple as that. The persona that has handed the dominance over to you is what we're really after. "An idea struck me when he said that. I have taken dominance? Then, that means.........

A persona user takes dominance over their persona, that way, we'll be able to control our power. But, if the personas are the ones who take dominance, there's a high chance that this power will lose control.

     "........ Hmm? "Ikutsuki starts to suspect, but he's too late. The biggest mistake, he makes.........was letting me stay with a group of natural awaken persona users!

I closed my eyes before I fixed a permanent glare on Ikutsuki. Letting every last strength of my body and will escape my body, focusing on the feeling that Mitsuru and Aki taught me.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now