Chapter 28

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I read through the Kirijou database with my laptop in my room, stopping a bit when I heard the others yelling about a summer special show on the television. I can't help but to notice some of the data are missing, everything from ten years ago are gone. But I guess it's reasonable precautions to avoid the eyes of law. Just when I was about to give up, I noticed a hidden file by chance. It was locked with complex password, even the recovery question are weird.

The real name of my tragic cursed princess.

It's quite a large file, is it possible that there's classified information? I can somehow get in if I wanted to, I just need to figure out what it meant. I went into deep thoughts for a while, trying to crack the what the question meant. But it was interrupted with the warm little memory earlier today. I chuckled softly as I recalled Aki's flustered face when he finally noticed that we're sleeping together. In order to make sure he lives a longer life aka not getting executed by Mitsuru, we agreed to keep it a secret.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Curious on the unknown number on the screen, I answered it.

"Your life is going to end~"I hung up as soon as I heard that. After that, I stood up and stepped out of the room and shouted to downstairs.

"Very funny guys, I can recognize Junpei sempai's voice, okay? "Laughter was heard from downstairs after that. I giggled a bit before I decided to join them.

"Jeez, guys. Give me a break. "I laughed all the way down. I flinched when I sat that's pitch black on the whole ground floor. It's also quiet, too quiet.

"Guys?......... Is anyone there? "I started to get worried. The second floor's lights are still on, it's not the dark hour yet, so where's everybody?

The moment both of my feet are on the bottom floor, I yelped when the lights suddenly went back on the everyone jumped out of their hiding spot, giving me a jump scared. What they did next........was something that I thought that I wouldn't have.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Kiera! "They said in a perfect unison which is impressive. My mind stopped working for a moment there, still trying to get myself together. Junpei took this chance and snapped a birthday hat on my head before he laughed as I continued to stare at them blankly. What on earth just happened?

Confused and trying to figure out what's going on, I turned my head towards the dinning area and was in awe. There's a buffet dinner on the table with a cake! I was unable to respond at that sight, this is just........

"Do you think we broke her? "Ken questioned when he noticed that I have yet to respond.

"Haha, I'm pretty sure that she's just overwhelmed. "Fuuka chuckled.

"When......... When do you guys have time to pull this off? "I was shocked and that is the only thing that came out of my mouth when I snapped back to reality.

"I thought you've already know since we're so noisy down here. "Aigis stated.

"I've told you guys that she wouldn't notice if we just lie to her that we're watching a movie. "Aki chuckled as he said that.

"Woof! "Koromaru barked happily with his tail wagging.

"He said happy birthday to you, kiera. "Aigis translated.

"Oh, you're such a smart dog! Anyways, make a wish! "Yukari said as she took the cake from the table. Yuki made quick work for it as he stabbed a candle and lighted it while Yukari continues to walk towards me. I couldn't tear away from the cake even until it's right in front of me. It's a cake.........a real birthday cake........

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now