Chapter 5

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After that day, everything went back to normal for me. Going for school, hanging out with friends and fighting shadows. Everything is going well, including my little date with Jin.

"Then, Iori sempai pulled out a flashlight out of nowhere and started something he call Junpei's believe it or don't. "I told the story to him when we're in Wild Duck Burger. He didn't have much of the reaction, he just sat there, leaning against the chair, drinking his soda and stared at me as he listened to my story.

"Like I care. "He said to me once I'm finish. I giggled at his dishonest, if he really doesn't care, he would've cut me off when I'm still telling the story.

"Jin, you're a terrible liar. "I teased him.

"What did you say? "He seems pissed, I giggled even more at his reaction. He's always fun to tease.

"So, I've told my story. Your turn. "I said to him. He wouldn't just came here without a reason.

"Jeez, sometimes your quick change of attitude creeps me out. But, convenient. "He said as he pulled out his laptop.

"You know that there's twelve big shadows right? The ones escaped from the laboratory ten years ago. "He get straight down to business.

"Yes. Mitsuru sempai haven't really elaborate further, but I guess she doesn't even know it herself. We still couldn't figure out why they've become active now after ten years. "I told him what I know.

"So, why are SEES hunting them? "He asked.

"...... Jin, that's what we do,hunt shadows. It's our job. "I gave him a look that he's asking stupid questions.

"Are you sure? Nothing else? "He gave me a serious look but I just brush it off.

"What else could it be? "I threw him another question. He stared at me for a while, then he sighed and put away his laptop. It makes me wonder why does he take it out in the first place?

"I gotta go, thanks for the meal. "He said to me before he left the restaurant. I watched him until he disappeared into the crowd. Only till next spring......


"Are you guys crazy?! "Aki scolded the trios when they came back from the outskirts of Port Island Station. They're practically screwed if Shinji wasn't there to help them, even so they found great information about the ghost story. They were apologetic, Mitsuru let them off the hook since they worked hard for that information.

"You know, you guys can just ask me to help gather information if you want to, sempai. "I said to them when we gathered for dinner.

"What do you mean my that? "Junpei asked.

"I have special lines of people who can help me to gather information even without me being there. "I smiled. Special line of people, aka Shinji and Jin.

"No, you gotta be bluffing. "Yukari thought that it was a joke.

"Well, I wouldn't say that if I were you. Kiera really have her way when it comes to information gathering. "Aki supported me.

"Seriously? "Junpei seems amazed.

"I'm not as skilled as Mitsuru sempai, but I manage. "I chuckled.

"I'll note that down for next time. "Yuki said calmly.


I was carrying a few stacks of books to the faculty office alone. It was originally just a pile of papers, then everyone took advantage of me since I'm heading for the faculty office anyway. It piled up before I knew it.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now