Chapter 6

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I watched the shadows as they slowly made their way towards us. Yukari had moved to my side having her arrow ready. Yukari is the support type member, she's not a front line combator like me, so it's better than she stayed back as support. I had Mitsuru scan one of the shadows first, figuring which one will be better for Yukari to take head on.

"I'll attack the empress while you shot at the emperor. Usually those who are immune to physical attacks are weak against elemental attacks. I'll be depending on you for that. Understand? "I asked.

"Loud and clear. "She said as she changed her aim.

"On my count to three......... One. "I gripped tightly on my blades while Yukari pulled her bow tighter.

"Two. "I leaned forward a bit, ready to took off running while Yukari had her arrow aimed at the shadow's head.

"Three! "I yelled and dashed behind the shadow within an instant and jumped high, slicing down from its shoulder to its chest. It lets out a loud cry and fell over. It's weak against physical attacks! I managed to check on the other shadow, it's not affected by the arrow at all. Yukari quickly pulled out her evoker and pulled the trigger summoning her persona. I managed to knock down my targeted shadow once more and we performed an all out attack together.

"Again! We're not letting them to catch a breath! "I barked out the order and charged for the shadow again. I used the same technique since it doesn't seem to have any defence on its back side. I saw it did something and colorful lights circles around it, but nothing happened. So, I just assumed that it wasted a chance. I gripped tightly at my blades, deciding to strike as hard as possible, trying to end the fight fast.

"Kiera! Don't! "Mitsuru shouted but I was too focused on the shadow and sliced down without a second thought. I froze at the sight of my blades shattered into pieces right before eyes. What?!

"Kiera, look out! "I turned around when I heard Yukari screaming. The shadow that Yukari targeted had its sword charging directly at me. I can't dodge it, I have no choice but to face it head on. I managed to have my feet landed on the blade and used its force to push me away from both shadows. As my body charged for the wall due to the intense force, I flipped around and had my feet landed on the wall to cushion myself. I flinched when the force was too great and sprained my ankle. I bit onto my lips and used both feet to have a safe landing back onto the ground, only to create more pain to myself.

I managed to stand back up with the support of the wall, unable to put any pressure on my ankle. I flinched when the shadow which is coming towards me froze in ice, I turned my head towards Mitsuru, she had joined the battle. That's right, I'm completely useless now, injured and unable to fight. Before I could make another move, the empress swung its staff and casted megido. It blew me straight to the top of the stairs with my body slammed hard onto the clock like entrance. I collapsed in front of the entrance into the labyrinth, gasping for air to relieve some pain. My body hurts and I feel dizzy. I felt something wet rolled down my face, it wasn't long before I noticed that it's blood.

"Ugh! "I lifted up my head when I heard the familiar voice, only to see Mitsuri in the hands of the Emperor shadow while Yukari was unconscious beside the teleportor.

"Mitsuru sempai! "I quickly ran through my inventory and found some spell gems. These are the only things that make me equal to a persona user, Yuki had me carry all of them since I can cast any spells. But, I'll hit Mitsuru if I did! If only I can move, if only I still have my blades. What happened two years ago replayed in my mind, am I going to laid here and watch what happen again? I've changed! I'm stronger now!

Suddenly, I felt my own evoker on my belt. I can walk around during the dark hour. I have the potential. I...... I have to protect them! With that in mind, I quickly pulled out my evoker on place it on my head.

"Persona! "I shouted and pulled the trigger. But....... Nothing happened.

"Ugh! "Mitsuru cried when the shadow squeezed her tighter. No! At this rate, she'll die! Why? Why can't I summon my persona?! Why am I so powerless? Why am I doing nothing while my friends suffers? Why can't I protect anyone?!

"Polydeuces! "My head snapped up as soon as I heard the name. I watched Aki's persona came from the sky and smashed down onto the shadow squishing Mitsuru. After that, I watched him ran towards the shadow and caught Mitsuru without fail........bridal style too. I lowered down my head and sighed in relief yet....... What is this terrible feeling in my chest?...... It's uncomfortable.

No one noticed me yet, they're too busy with the shadow. I watched them silently up here, they make a good team........without me. It's the first time that I feel that I was a burden that I forced them to carry. Without me, their sps doesn't always run low, without me, they have plenty of items to spare, without me, they won't need to always look out for me, they trust each other to not get hurt.

With the girl named Fuuka's help, they defeated the shadows without fail. They really are something.......without me. I never thought that they're that strong without me. Perhaps, that's what it means to be a persona user. Something that I will never cut out to be. I want to protect my ass, I'm the one who's getting protected this whole time.

Why am I even tagging along with them?

"You alright? "I turned around and saw Yuki squatting down beside me. When did he got up here? I guess it doesn't matter.

"Yeah, I guess. "I faked a smile. At that moment, I caught sight of Aki. He's tending Mitsuru's wounds, he looked at her with those eyes, the eyes that I wished how he'll look at me. Mitsuru even showed the same eyes towards him....... They'll make a good couple.

A few questions hit me. Did I really become his girlfriend? Is it one sided all this time? Is it just me telling myself that we're together? If that's so, this wouldn't hurt that much. He can't cheat on me if he was never with me to begin with. Perhaps the pills get the best of me. That's right, what am I thinking? I'm going to die soon, I can't outlive him or Mitsuru. I can't even outlive Shinji. Why am I expecting anyway?

We only live in the moment, we have no future, no tomorrow........ That's why I don't want to have regrets when I'm gone. I want him, but I can never have him. This is how things work. I'm just too blinded in my little lie too much. I'm happy, even though he's just treats me like a little sister....... I can't let him go any further........ I can't let myself go any further.

"Kiera? "Yuki pulled me back to reality.

"Sorry, I was thinking. You think you still have sps to heal me? "I asked with a smile, completely back to normal. He was quiet for a while, then he smiled and nods. After that, he pulled out his evoker and summoned Pixie to heal me. I watched the persona he summoned, what would I'll do to get one, just one.

Once I've recovered, we returned to the dorm. They talked as they walked, having fun after a rough night while I was silent all the way back. I don't belong, I know that now.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now