Chapter 26

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I fell off my bed........again due to another nightmare. I tried to calm myself down as I panted on the floor, grateful that I didn't screamed. It will be trouble if I had all of them charged into my bedroom just because of me screaming. After that, I swallowed another pill when the pain appears, then I just curled myself into a ball beside the bed, body shaking a bit as I tried to remove the images from my head. For all the nightmares that I can have, I dreamt about.......That.

Suddenly, I heard my stomach rumbling and recalled that I didn't eat anything today. I stood up and checked the clock, it's already 3am in the morning, the rest are probably asleep. If they went to Tartarus, they're probably out cold by now. I decided to go downstairs to get something to eat. There's no point in starving myself....... Shinji will probably kills me too.

When I opened the door, it felt heavy. Both startled and the lack of strength to support the weight, the door flung open as my hand slipped. A figure fell into my room and hit his head, waking him up from his slumbers.

"Aki?......... What are you doing? "I was shocked to see him getting up from the floor grunting in pain as he gently rubbed the spot where he hurt himself. He's in his pajamas which is is a white T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"Kiera?......... How are you feeling? "He let's out an awkward laugh when he realized what's going on. His eyes avoided mine, clear signs for guilty.

"What are you doing here? "I asked him, temporary avoiding the question. I noticed he panicked a bit, trying to come up ways to convince me but he gave up with a sigh escaping his mouth.

"I........didn't want to leave you alone. "He faced away from me, his face bright red as he slightly scratches his head. To be honest, I was really touched, but he don't really need to do that. Someone like me, doesn't deserve him.

"So....... Why are you up at this hour? "He questioned. Before I get to answer, my belly did it for me with a loud growl. I quickly turned away from him, feeling embarrassed.

"If you want........ I'll make you something. "I wad suprised at his offer, usually he's the one to shove you snacks when it's already late. I noticed that he's extremely embarrassed yet not willing to back down, how could I say no?

"........ If you insist. "I replied softly. He was startled at first probably expecting me to say no, but a smile apeared on his face soon afterwards. He reached to take my hand like his used to, but I flinched once his hand touched mine. The horrible memory flowed through my mind and I instinctively slapped his hand away and backed away to the furthest corner without knowing it. He was completely startled my action, he slowly retreated his hand, looking a bit hurt yet did his best to hide it. I froze when I realize what I'm doing.

"Ah, I'm sorry! It's nothing, really. Come on, let's go. "I quickly ran up to him and took his hand, trying my very best to act out my usual self.

"........ You're lying, Kiera. "He said to me softly after he take a look at our hands. That's when I noticed that my hands are shaking. Knowing the trick wouldn't work anymore, I reluctantly let go of his hand and held onto mine instead.

"I'm........sorry. "I apologize for lying.

"It's okay. I'll just........go make you something and I'll bring it to you okay? "He tried to comfort me. I shook my head as a respond.

"I wanna..........go downstairs. "I said to him with my head down. I just made holding hands impossible for us.......... What happens if he doesn't hold my hand again?.......... The last trace of evidence that there's a difference between Shinji's closeness and my closeness to him will be gone.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now