Chapter 27

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"Kiera........ Kiera.......... Kiera! "I slowly opened my eyes when I heard someone calling me. Even so, I don't really want to leave my warm pillow, it's very comfortable. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw a pissed Mitsuru with her arms crossed and for some reason my pillow seems to the hardened stiff.

"I....... I........ I can explain. "I flinched a the voice. I quickly sat up and found myself sleeping on Aki's lap in the lounge all this time. His hands are up, sweating like he had just ran a Marathon. He had backed to the furthest point of the couch where it isn't that much of the difference. Mitsuru on the other is ready to execute him.

That's when I recalled what happened last night. After we both confessed, we talked for a bit. Then, I asked him to stay with me as I'm afraid to go back to sleep alone. We ended up sleeping on the couch where I kept on challenging my own fears of touching until I finally got within an arm's reach away from him. But, I don't remember falling asleep on his lap. Did I fell?

"Any last words? "Mitsuru questioned as she stepped forward making every hair on his body stood straight.

"........ Don't blame him........ I had him accompany me last night........" I explained to her. Mitsuru paused for a bit before she turns towards me.

"What happened last night? "She asked.

"....... I have a nightmare........and I'm too scared to go back to sleep on my own. "I lower down my head, feeling a bit guilty.

"I see...... My apologies, I jumped to conclusion too fast....... "She turned to apologize to Aki but he had fell asleep again. That's when I noticed the dark circles around his eyes. Did he.........stay up all night?

"Akihiko........ Akihiko! "Mitsuru woke him up again.

"What?! "Aki jumped up with his eyes wide open, yet he wasn't able to keep it open for long, he lets out a yawn, trying to keep himself together in front of Mitsuru.

"He's completely in no conditions for summer school. "Mitsuru sighed as she rubbed her head like she had a headache.

"Well, he isn't the only one. "Yukari who seems to heard the conversation said when she walked pass Koro who's completely out cold under the dinning table. When she noticed me, she made her way towards me and hugged me tightly.

"You okay? "She asked. I smiled a bit and nods.

"Woah, did Akihiko sempai make magic or something?........ Sempai? "Junpei came down the stairs and Aki once again went back to sleep.

"Are you guys going for summer school? "I asked them.

"Yes, but you don't need to. I've cancelled your reservation for you. "Mitsuru stated.

"Why? "I asked. She seems to be reluctant to say it.

"Given with the state you are three days ago, we didn't expect you to get it over with that fast. "Junpei answered my question.

"Stupei! "Yukari scolded him for his insensitive.

"It's okay. I'm alright for now. "I cut her off with a soft smile.

"Are you sure? "Yukari questioned, still feeling worry.

"Yes. "I replied.

"Kiera-chan! You came out! "Fuuka was shocked to see me when she came down the stairs with Aigis.

"I would've starve in there if I didn't came out. "I joked a bit.

"It seems that the old saying of love heals all wounds is true. "Aigis reported. My face turned red that instant and everyone's eyes are on me.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now