Chapter 32

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"Welcome back, Ken. How's school? "I asked him when he entered the dorm, putting down the magazine in my hand. Mitsuru forced me to take a day off since I practically frightened her to death last night even though I'm said that I'm fine. My body is still a bit sore but alive and kicking.

"Oh, erm......... Nothing special. "He avoided my eyes, I know that guilty look on his face. With a sigh, I stood up and walked towards him.

"Do you want to talk about it? "I asked as I kneeled down to his height.

"There's nothing to talk about, it's my fault for accusing you. "

"Well, you didn't accused me. I was really there that day....... That's why I didn't know how to face you when you question me about it. "

"You were there........ But, you're not there as who I think you are. "He said softly with his head low.

"What do you mean? "I'm confused.

"What you did to me last night....... Doesn't it seems familiar? "He questioned.

"........ I don't recall ever getting hit by Death. "

"Not that....... The way you kicked me out of the way........ It's a blur memory but........ I remember that someone did it to me once two years ago. That person was my savior, I owe him or her my life........ Kiera-san....... Is that you that night? "I flinched when he said that. His eyes stared straight into mine, demanding for answers.

"........ Ken, can you get me a piece of wet cloth? "I asked him. He was confused but he did as he was told.

"Since I can't summon a persona, I usually have severe injuries whenever I got hurt and those injuries usually ended up as scars. Each one tells their own stories." I said as I used the cloth to wipe off the make-up on my right side of my forehead, revealing a scar that looks like something hard and sharp was hit onto it. After that, my right arm, revealing a long scar that seems like my skin was ripped up my arm. Ken was shocked to see them.

"These two reminds me of both my sins and my deed. It reminded me how powerless I am that night without a persona and........a reason for me to forgive myself by telling myself that I succeed in making sure that there's only one casualty instead of two that night. "I smiled wryly at Ken, feeling guilty about what happened.

Suddenly, Ken wrapped his arms around me and gripped onto my shirt tight, burying his face into my chest. I want startled by his actions, he usually acted mature, but he's kinda acting like his age right now. What has gotten into him?

"Thank you for saving my life back then........and yesterday as well. I don't think I can ever repay you. "He said in a broken voice. I stared at him for a while before I too hugged him.

"You have a whole life ahead of you, Ken. Just enjoy it to its fullest. That will be enough for me. "I slightly patted his head before letting him go. It's the first time that I'm the elder one, to be honest, it doesn't feel that bad.

"Hey, Kiera. "Aki greeted me with a bright smile on his face when he returned with the others.

"Hey guys. "I greeted them back with a smile.
Back in Strega base, Chidori continues to draw on her sketch book. Suddenly, she paused and glance towards a dark alley nearby.

"Jin, Takaya. "She called as she stood up, pulling out her axe, being extremely cautious at the life force she sensed. Jin stepped out of the house with a grenade in his hand, glaring at the same direction. Not long after that Takaya too stepped with his gun.

"It took me a while to find you, but you decided to show yourself to the world instead. You made things easier for us. "A man in suit stepped out from the shadows.

My Answer To Life: OC X Akihiko Sanada P3 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now