Chapter 56

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1st of November.........

Kiera's condition worsened to the point that even Akihiko couldn't convince himself that she'll survive this. Her final days are closing in.

She spent her days choking and whimpering in pain. It felt like there's something tearing her inside out, nothing had helped to ease the pain from within. All she could do is to squeeze onto Akihiko's hand as she did her best to endure it, using every last bit of her remaining strength to stay alive.

Akihiko never left her side, he managed to come up with a reasonable excuse to skip school. His heart was completely shattered as he watched her suffer. Every day, he would pray that she'll survive another day, yet.........he didn't want her to suffer another day. From the looks of it, that's not possible unless she.........

Jin on the other hand no longer cared whether or not Akihiko is there with her. He dropped by constantly, bringing along drugs and any medical supplies he thinks that may reduce her sufferings. Yet, nothing worked. The only times that she gets to rest........ was when she passed out due to the intense pain.

"......... Kiera? "At night, Akihiko continued to hold her hand as she endured. But, this time, he noticed something different. Usually, Kiera would hold her breath and endure it until she eventually ran out of breath. She would take a sharp breath before repeating the process. This time, she lets out a relieved sigh as her whole body relaxed. After that, she passed out with her hand finally loosened its firm grip on his.

"Kiera? "He called her again, he didn't get a response but it's clear that she seems relaxed compared to the days before. He started to get worried, the only reassurance he had was the fact that she's still breathing, this time at a more steady pace.

"What's wrong?" He turned around and saw Jin stepped in. Jin took a glance at Kiera before his whole body tense up.

"Unbutton her shirt and set her up now! "He ordered as he quickly dashed to the table and set up his equipment. Akihiko did as he was told as it's not the first time. With the lack of a professional doctor, Jin's equipment was the only thing available for checking her conditions. Akihiko was reluctant at first, but he had to admit that he couldn't do anything else than giving Kiera mental support.

He gently flipped Kiera to her back, then he started unbuttoning her shirt until it revealed just enough skin to put on the gel pads that he used to see in hospitals, the kind that they put on the chest of a patient for checking their heartbeats. Once he's done, he sat down at the edge of the bed, holding onto her cold hands as he watched over her.

Once Jin opened the program, faint yet stable heartbeats were heard from the speaker. Jin was absolutely shocked, he didn't expect that she'll be able to survive it and yet she did. This is both a miracle and a disaster. He peeked at Akihiko, observed the way he looked at the girl he loved. He knew that he wouldn't betray her, yet it's still a huge gamble to take. One wrong step, all would be for nothing.

"........... How is she?" Akihiko's voice snapped Jin back to reality. He glanced at Akihiko and made his decision. It's a gamble he's willing to take.........for her.

"She survived. "Two simple words are enough to make the time stop for Akihiko.

"......... What do you mean? "Akihiko couldn't believe what he'd just heard. He wanted to confirm it, for one last time.

"As long as she remained undisturbed for the next three days, she'll recover and she'll be just as healthy as before......... That is if she takes care of her own health, you should expect her to live until old age. "With that, Akihiko's face lit up. He hoped for a miracle and he really did get it.

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