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A heart beats is a single pulsation of the heart. Heart beats are what keep us alive. But without that one single heart beat, that one beat in isolation, there would be no heart beats thus rendering us without life.

To say someone is your heart beat is to say that they are the beat that keeps your spirit alive, your soul alive, your joy alive, you happiness alive and your reason for loving alive. Without them, your heart may physically beat but your spirit, soul, joy and happiness would be without a beat. Their presence in your life is what keeps the smile on your face, the joy in your day and the shine in your eyes.

Your heart beat is the person whose smile keeps you smiling, whose company keeps you laughing with glee. Everything about this him is perfect. Their presence brings light into your life and makes everything crystal clear. The mist of loneliness disappears and is replace by the veil of affection. He can make your heart race and slowly beat at the same time. Because he is the beat of your heart, all you can do is think about him, care for him so that he continues to beat in delight. Your heart beat is the beat that keeps you breathing.

I'm just a single person who still finding of my heart beat. My name is kit panuwat, I'm a medic students at one of the famous university in Thailand. I had a normal live like someone else out there, always being busy with assignment and report. No time to plying, My father is a billionaires. He own a company that import part for automobiles and very protective of his son.. well maybe he only have me and my big sister.

when i was 17 year old, i decided to live independent, same as my big sister. I live, at high class apartment. the reason is because it near to my university and a lot of restaurants and public transport. my life change after i meet him, who is he??? 

To be continued  🔔🔔🔔

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Hey guys, Sawadikhap🙏🙏 i hope you enjoyed this new story and don't forget to vote and comments.

Heartbeats [Ming + Kit + Forth] (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now