Heartbeat 03

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After making a cup of black coffee, Ming walks into the living room and sets on the television. For a few minutes, he still could not concentrate on the television show. He was still thinking of the incident last night. It really hurt to see his fiancé with another man.

It seems unwise if he keeps calling her a fiancé. Maybe an ex-fiancé, that's more suitable. What's missing from it? Is he less handsome? Is he less wealthy? Is he less well established? Given that the woman was always with him and encouraged him since he became an office staff until now head of a banking company. Is it still lacking? regretted. He felt really regretted. He should never have any relationship with her.

Ming turned off the television and leaned back on the sofa, wiping his face with both hands. She must be looking for Ming whereabouts. My phone. Ming immediately ran into the room and searched his cell phone in the pocket of his black suit. He still remembers that he put it there when in the night club she kept trying to reach of him, until Ming was forced to remove his cell phone battery. Once he met his cell phone and he turned on, his cell immediately invaded dozens of short messages. A clear set of names on the screen. Mowan Sutrapat.

He opens up some of the messages that contain only Mowan's apologies and remorse. Now for Ming, the woman is no longer important. He threw his cell phone on the bed and lay down next to his cell phone. It's been a long time, but Kit has not come back yet. Remembering that guy, his heart felt a little bit better. Kit has sincerely helped him. Maybe if Ming did not meet Kit, he might be faced with several robbers who would take all the things he carried.

Maybe he would come home the next morning with just underwear. But is not Kit too sincere, even tends to be too innocent and a little careless to let someone he has not known alone in his apartment? Does Kit trust people so easily? Ming smile of his own. Kit, is an interesting Guy. "You stupid kiddo."


Kit stepped into the apartment followed by Forth. "Have you had any breakfast yet?" Kit asked as he walked toward the kitchen. Forth trailing behind him. "I have not had breakfast yet, and I rushed here for the assignment." he said as he sat on a dining table chair. The dining room table at Kit's apartment was in the kitchen. But Kit did not have time to answer, suddenly heard Ming voice. "Kit? Is that you?" Ming asked at the same time as her presence in the kitchen doorway. He and Forth were both surprised to see each other's presence.

Suddenly, the atmosphere gets awkward. "Oh, Ming, introduce, this is Forth, my friend, and Forth, this is Ming, he is ....." Kit's sentence broke off. He was confused what to say and who Ming was. "I'm Ming, a schoolmate of Kit, his senior in elementary school," Ming said lying. Kit frowned at Ming, but Ming even seemed to smile calmly lying as he shook hands with Forth.

Kit really want to dodge the nonsense spoken by Ming. but he discouraged. If he later said that Ming is not his schoolmate, it could be Forth suspicious if there is anything between them. All could be worse. Just let it go. "You'd better sit down, I'll prepare the breakfast I bought." They sat down in a relaxed manner. "Are you in college now or have you worked?" asked Forth.

"I am working, at one of a banking company in Bangkok City." said Ming. "Oh i see, I'm in college, one faculty with Kit, I almost come here every day to Drive and pick up Kit from university." said Forth confidently. "Drive and pick up? Really?" Ming asked in surprise. We really think of each other as brothers, even I consider him more than brothers, "said Forth, who instantly made Kit look at Forth furiously.

His heart was beating fast as wanted to jump out. But Forth just grimaced at Kit and say 'just kidding'. He must intervene before misunderstanding. "Here's the food," Kit said as he carried two plates of thai fried rice. There was a confused look on Ming's face.

Ming was still trying to digest Forth word's. Ah! Forth really damn! "Why you only buy two plates of this?" Ming asked as Kit sat down on one of the chairs near the Forth. "This one is for you," Kit put the plate in his right hand in front of Ming. "And this one is for the Forth." Forth winced his eyes at the kit. "Have you had the breakfast yet?" The two guy seemed to look at Kit in greatest detail. "Already". Take it easy. I've eaten there before, "he lied as he stood up. " Ah, do not lie! "Forth exclaimed as he pulled Kit to sit back.

Forth scooped up a Thai fried rice and pointed it at Kit. "Now open your mouth You also need to eat." Kit looked at Forth in bewilderment. "I .. I've eaten, really," Kit said. "Say once again 'I've eaten', I'll kiss you," Forth threatened. Kit's face flushed. He stared at Ming's confused face, then turned back to Forth. "One ..." "Two ............" Before Forth could utter the word 'three', Kit immediately pushed her head to eat a bite from the Forth with half sincerity. "Ahh, like that, good boy, you have to be kind to your own boyfriend," Forth said as if to say to his own girlfriend.

Kit can only hit Forth's head softly. "Girlfriend from Hongkong ?! said Kit short, he can not grumble with a mouthful of food, but Kit knows that Forth does not have girlfriend right now. Maybe later. While Ming starts to eat his food with a smile while shaking his head slowly. See Kit and Forth like brothers who are very familiar.

Thanks for reading

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

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