Heartbeat 06

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Ming walked in while dragging his suitcase inside. Kit immediately closed the door of his apartment while holding back embarrassment. He became concerned with the neighbors of his apartment earlier. What do you think they have in mind? "Ah! I miss the atmosphere in this apartment, and I just left this morning," Ming said, which makes Kit awake from his insignificant reflections.

Ming was leaning back on the couch as if it were his own apartment. Kit walked over. "Why are you here again?" asked the kit by raising his voice, "I told you that I want to stay here for a while," Ming replied, closing his eyes. "Yeah, I know that, but what are you doing here, do not you have your own house?" reply the kit with annoyance. Ming opened his eyelids while shifting his head slightly to look at Kit standing next to his left.

"I'm having trouble at home, and I still can't tell now." "I can't accept you here if you're not telling me your problem," Kit threatened. "I really can't telling you now, Kit." replied Ming again, "You only have two choices: Telling your problem or get out from here." Ming took a deep breath, hard to face a stubborn person like Kit. "Okay, okay, I just want to avoid my ex-girlfriend.", "Avoid your ex-girlfrind? Why should she be avoided?" Kit asked innocently. As what Ming is thinking,  he knew that Kit will ask why of that.

"I caught her having an affair with another man last night, until I had to get a bruise on my face for fighting with the man, and after that incident he just kept calling and sending me a short message but I never gave a damn. I will definitely come to my house sooner or later, but I'm already disappointed, and ..... "Ming paused for a moment, then continued. "And I'm sure you must have noticed the bruises on my face, why did not you ask anything until we parted this morning?" Ming asked the kit, "Hey, that's your personal problem, I will not be that stupid and force you to tell it," Kit replied as he looked at the blue effect at some part of Ming faces.

It may take a few days to make it disappear naturally. "And now, you've pretty implacably forced me to tell you my personal problems," Ming replied. Kit raises both eyebrows. "Hey, hey, brother! Wait a minute! You intend to stay here right? If I do not know your reasoning, how can I let you in? Besides the house is something of a privacy, moreover the bedroom, and you've violated my privacy since you were in my room last night.

But after I think we will not meet again. So I can be tolerant. But this time it's different. You dare come here and ask to stay here. Do you think this is a public hotel? "Kit scolded at the start of his blood, and Ming looked down, apparently this guy wanted to forget about it, for he had a thought that they would not see each other again. OK! You win. I do not want to argue anymore. Now, am I able to get your permission to stay here? I have told you all my reasons. "Kit was shocked how this was what he had to do he could not really believe in someone he had not even met for 24 hours, he was afraid that maybe Ming might have a bad idea to him.

But if you look closely, it seems that Ming does look like a bad guy. Although not even 24 hours they get acquainted, but it seems Ming is a good guy. Surely he was telling the truth. Besides, he's also brought a suitcase here. If expelled, pity too. "What are the things from your house that you brought here?" Ming frowned. "You want me to open my suitcase and show my underwear to you? Why not you strip me naked?" he snapped.

Kit stares at his spontaneous response from Ming. "Are you crazy? Is not that what I mean, is there any other stuff out there besides your trunk?" asked kit with a flushed face, "Nothing, just my private car that I parked in a public garage, I did say that I will stayed here for a while right, not forever, why do I bring a lot of things?" grunted Ming. kit so remembered it. "So the plan is, how long will you stay here?" Ming smiled as he straightened his back from the back of the couch. Looks like there are signs that Kit will give you permission. "Only until my former lover gets tired of herself and stops chasing me again." said Ming spontaneously, "Do not give me an answer like that. I need your assurance." Ming paused thoughtfully. "A month may be enough, maybe for about two months." Kit nodded slowly.

Then he raised his right hand in front of Ming's head. Ming just blinked. "What?" Ming asked who did not understand what Kit meant. "I can't carry your wallet every time, because You need it, so now I just need your ID card and your mobile number." clear Kit. "All right! All right!" Ming stood up from the sofa and reached into his pocket in the back pocket of his pants. Release the ID card and his business card and give it to the Kit. Kit picked it up quickly from Ming's hand and read his business card. The name Mingkwan Dechapanya was written with large letters that looked annoying. But once he read the little words below, Kit was a little surprised.

But he tried to stay calm. Apparently Ming is the CEO of a banking company in this metropolitan city. No wonder Ming wore formal attire and attributes. Kit thought that Ming are just regular office workers. Though seen from his face, Ming was still quite young. How could he have such a high position? Immediately, he shifted the business card back and began to notice the Ming ID card. This time Kit is really surprised and he can not cover up from. "Just twenty-five years old and you've become a CEO ?!" shock Kit. The moment he realized what he was saying, Kit covered his mouth with a shrug.

So what? Am I a great man in your eyes? "Asked Ming with an exorbitant degree of self-confidence, while rubbing his own hair from the side in an elegant fashion. Pickle Kit, but he knew that Ming must be just trying to be humorous. You're too confident. You're nothing here. You have to remember who the Master here, "said kit," Okay, Young Master Kit. Now, can I rest for a while. I feel very tired because I have been working all day and just got back a while ago, "Ming said in a style as if he was a servant while bowing his body as a sign of respect like Japanese.

But for a moment he bowed, no reply from Kit. He raised his head slightly to look at Kit's face. Apparently the boy was laughing a little silently. Ming immediately re-enforced his back with a shy smile. "You're a very annoying person, but you can be funny as well," Kit said truthfully. His attitude instantly changed 180 degrees before when Ming arrived. Looks like Ming is a sociable person and adjust.

Ming winced. "It may seem like I'm annoying, but if you've known me closer, you will know what kind of person I really am." said Ming with pride. There's enough room in my apartment, but there's only one room with a bed and a closet, and the other one's a storage room, "Kit said. "Then you told me to sleep with cockroaches and cobwebs in the barn?" Ming snapped. "I can not be that cool, I'll share a room with you, but on one condition!" said the kit again "What is the condition?" asked Ming puzzled, "Never wet my bed," Kit joked.

Ming just sneered. "I've stopped wetting since I was three years old, most of the mattresses just wet with sweat, but do not worry, I do not smell sweat." Mattresses wet with sweat? Indeed what activities can make sweating on the mattress. Suddenly Kit mind immediately leads to a negative direction. Immediately he removed those unimportant thoughts. "I never questioned the smell of sweat, the important thing is not to wetting my mattress, that's all." said Kit, "Yeah... yeah. All right now, let's continue our conversation later. Now can I take a break? I'm tired. After coming home from the office I immediately packed up at home and slithered here," complained Ming. "I do not think nobody forced you to talk.

If you're tired, you go to bed, "Kit said. Ming smiled happily." Thank you, " said Ming," Do not be grateful. You know this is not an hotel, so you have to provide your own money for food, "Kit said as she occupied the couch that had been occupied by Ming." Yeah. I know. I go to my room first. "" Hm, "Kit replied, Ming walked to Kit's room as he dragged his suitcase he was already very relieved Kit had given him permission now, at least he could avoid Mowan If she came to his house, most she only finds Ming maid.

Thanks for reading

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

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