Heartbeat 09

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The blazing afternoon sun was unexpected. Scorching hot. Kit waits in front of the campus gate while occasionally glancing at the cell phone in his hand. "Why he is not coming yet?" he muttered softly. Not long after, suddenly there was a pair of hands that squeezed Kit's shoulders from behind.

"Shiiaaa.." exclaimed Kit jumping in shock as he turned quickly. He just felt relieved after seeing a slim girl who has the same height with him. The girl had long hair that was pinned slightly to the right. "Oh Lord, P'Pin!! you almost made me death because of having a heart attack!" Kit scolded, stroking his fast pounding chest with his hand. The girl named Pin was laughing out loud. Too loud it was hard to stop her laughter.

Pin Panuwat is Kit's older Sister, two years older than him. They are always in the same school as a child. Also they're in the same university, but when Kit was new to university, he decided to take different majors from his sister, so they rarely met each other. Pin also rented an apartment in Chiang mai. Actually Kit's parents were Thai, but now they're in French, running the five-star hotel & Fashion business in the city of love, Paris. Which is managed by Kit and Pin's dads.

Usually when they were on vacation, they both chose to spend it in Paris and meet their parents, "Stop, Phi! Stop! That's not funny at all!" Pin tried to suppress laughter with all his might. "Anyway, why are you alone here? Usually you always go home with your boyfriend," Pin snapped. "Boyfriend? What do you mean? Who, Phi?" Pin wagging her hand. "Do not pretend to be stupid, that guy who always send you and picks you up to university with a motorcycle." asked Pin again.

A/N : so in thai we call the older person that us Phi @ พี, it will be P' like this if it have a name on it like P'Mon, P'Melissa, or P'Adam and for younger person that you is Nong @ หนอง or N' like that if it have a name on it like N'Lisa, N'Kriss or N'Singto.
And another is Hia. Hia is a thai-chinese word of older brother, so it basically mean older brother but if it normal older brother in thai language is Phī chāy= พี่ชาย, Nông chāy = น้องชาย is younger brother in normal thai language. And what about sister, younger sister, older sister? ok so in thai if we're siblings or even not a siblings we just call them Pêe is they're older and Nông is they're younger than us, but if you wanted to know what we call younger sister in thai is Nông sāw = น้องสาว and older/ elder sister is Phī sāw = พี่สาว.
So for guy we use Chāy @ ชาย and for a girl we use Sāw @ สาว.

"You mean Forth? No!! he is not my boyfriend, Phi! we're Just a close friend."said kit, "But you like him, right?" she teased her brother again. "Come on, Phi, you're really annoying, I'll tell P'Mew, then!" threat Kit. Mew is Pin's boyfriend. They've been dating since high school. And been engaged for a year. Mew himself is a friend of Forth's seen high school. And Thanks to Mew, because if him Kit and Forth can know each other. "All right.. fine, I'm not teasting you anymore" said Pin with laughing.



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Heartbeats [Ming + Kit + Forth] (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now