Heartbeat 11

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Ting! Tong! Kit pressed the doorbell of Forth's house after coming down from public transportation a while ago. Ting! Tong! Tong! Ting! Tong! Ting! Tong! This time Kit rang the bell several times. Moments later, the door opened. "Oh, Kit! Are you coming? Alone?" Forth asked, glancing behind Kit's back.

" Hrumm.. I came here alone, I take the bus by myself to came here." said Kit, "Not with your friend?" asked Forth in a slightly sarcastic tone. Kit frowned. "You mean Ming? No, he's working now." Forth smiled with pleasure. "Oh, come on first." Forth stepped aside so Kit could get inside.

"So do you feel better?" Kit asked after the two of them sat on the front of the couch. Apparently Forth was just playing video games. The television and playstation are still on, with the words "pause" on the television screen. "I'm much better after you took care of me yesterday.

If you didn't come yesterday, I'll be death. "Forth said, and Kit picked up Forth's head. " Do not talk about it, " Kit said, " Ouch! Why are you hitting me ?! " Forth shouted as he stroked his forelock. " You know, I was barely sleepy last night thinking about your conditions! You're thinking like that! "Kit grumbled as he pounded Forth's left arm.

Forth laughed giggling as he tried to avoid. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Kit! I did not know you'd be that worried!" Forth exclaimed. Kit immediately turned his face in the other direction while folding his face with a sullen face. Forth tried to suppress a laugh. "Kit, come on, don't behave like a kid like that, I'm sorry, I'm just kidding, do not get too caught up I do not know if you're so worried just because I have a slight fever," Forth croon.

But then Kit chuckled. "I'm not really mad at you, just acting!"said Kit, Forth grinned at the horse and quickly put his arm around Kit's neck as he rubbed Kit's head with his knuckles. Kit laughed as he begged for the forgiveness, without Kit knowing that Forth kissed Kit's head several times on that time.


"Yeah, yeah, I'll send the data via e-mail, I'm sorry today I came home a little early, because I have an important event that is so urgent... What....? Oh, no!!, everything that in the office is all right, just leave the rest as usual. " Ming said to his office assistant as he walked into Kit's apartment building.

He just arrived a few minutes ago, exactly at 12:17 local time. "Okay... Okay, then, thank you," Ming ended the conversation and put the phone into his trouser pocket. His face was excited because there was a 'important event', as he said earlier. It might be an exaggeration if he called it that way, because the actual 'event' he meant was to take Kit shopping at a department store.

It's been a long time since he went shopping. Moreover today he get a salary. Maybe he'll buy some set of work clothes, as well as other clothes. Considering that he only brought a little clothes to Kit's apartment. He immediately hastened his pace until he reached Kit's apartment. When he tried to open the door, it locked. The door is locked. Ming actually holds the spare key, but it's useless if he goes inside.

Kit is not inside. Where did that guy goes? This morning he said that today He didn't go to his university? Ming pulled out his cell phone, punched in the number five for a seconds and then taped it to his ear. Instead of the dial tone he heard, the voice of the operator said that the contact number was not active. "Where did you go Kit?" grunted Ming while trying to dial Kit again.

Still, he heard the voice of a woman who said the same thing as before. Suddenly his thoughts drifted to Kit's friend Forth's house that he had gone to with Kit. He is sick yesterday? Did Kit go there again? Without thinking much longer, Ming immediately walked out from the apartment building to his car.


"You cheeeeaaat on me!!" Kit shouted as he pounded Forth. "Who is cheating? it yourself who are less of agile! Less cautious!" Forth replied while avoiding Kit's attack until it slow down. They're playing one of Kit's favorite fightstation games. Usually Kit often wins, but somehow this day he seems less lucky. "We play something else!" Kit says.

"Awhh! you can't, you didn't forget about the deal before we're play this game, you're the one who challenges me. Who can win this game on ten times, then the winner can ask for one request from the losers, and the loser obey a request from the winner! You didn't forget about it right Kit? " said Forth again.

Kit wrinkled his nose. "Okay, okay, now what do you wanted to request from me?" asked Kit. Forth smiled a little while pretending to be reflective. But before he say what he wanted, the doorbell are hearing. "Wait here for a minute," Forth said and headed to the front door. Upon opening, Forth was a little surprised by the presence of the man in the full office suit standing at the door.

 Upon opening, Forth was a little surprised by the presence of the man in the full office suit standing at the door

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He is Kit's friend named Ming right? "Sorry to interrupt. Is Kit are here?" asked Ming. Forth winced at Ming with a look of dislike. When Forth was about to reply, Kit's voice came from behind Forth's back. "Ming ?! Why are you here ?!"

To be continued  🔔🔔🔔

Thanks for reading

A/N: Hey guys, Sawadekrab 🙏🙏 khopkhun na krab dokun for enjoyed my story, i hope you like this chapter, don't forget to vote and comments.. ohh yeah guys before i forgot, I'm making one special chapter call Mingkit Q & A Chapter. So you can ask everything, for example like kit character in this story, about Ming true is, about forth... did forth really like kit or maybe he likes Ming? so don't forget to ask a question for Mingkit.. see you next chapter
i love you  😘😘

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