Heartbeat 05

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Kit and Forth came out of the faculty room with relief after their assignment was received without any significant criticism. They like just got away from the lion's den. "I'm going to the cafeteria," Forth said. "Okay, if you say so, I'm going to the library for a while, looking for some references for next week's assignment, better to be paid in installments from now on, I'm afraid that maybe my job is just getting a minimum standard score. " Kit said, "All right, then I'll come with you," said the forth Forth, who made Kit wrinkle his eyebrows a moment.

"Do not be stupid, you do not like the library," Kit said. Forth smiled with pleasure, apparently Kit remembered that. "It's okay, who knows I can help you, I ..." heard a small voice of a woman from a distance. "P'Forth !!" he yelled as he ran before Forth finished his words.

Looks a beautiful girl with shoulder-length hair with a white bando running towards them. "P'Forth wherever I'm tired of looking for you everywhere." Forth seems to be confused with this girl. "Oh, Mia, I... um... I'm busy... I have to go to the library with Kit to finish the job," said Forth lying as he hugged Kit's shoulder. Forth had always felt uncomfortable at every woman who trying to get close to him. But he always tried to relax.

Mia Burappin is a junior on their faculty. Famous for his sly demeanor with all the handsome men on campus. Including Forth. But fortunately Mia still knows himself. He only dared to seduce handsome men who still do not have a girlfriend. "Why, why you always run away from me? I just want to get to know P'Forth more closely," Mia grumbled openly. "I'm sorry, I really can't, I'm really sorry, ahh we have to go, se you around. greeting Forth while throwing a smile and walking with Kit leaving Mia who was scratching because of his own upset.

"I still can not believe that there's such of the girl like that on this campus, imagine she's trying to tease almost every handsome man on campus, she pretty and adorable, but her brain is tilted," Forth whined. Kit laughs hardly. "But it seems like she treats you differently than others, maybe she really falls in love with you? why do not you try to get to know Mia more closely". Kit continued laughing again. Forth even sneered while patting Kit's head. "Instead of going out for a date with Mia, I'd better go out for a date with you." Deg!  Kit heart seemed to stop beating.

What the hack just Forth saying? Is that just a joke or something? Kit felt the cold on his body. "Dating with me? What you mean?" Forth turned to look at Kit. I'm just joking, do not take it too seriously, or do you want us to be real? " said forth. Kit hit Forth's head hardly " Ouch, it hurts! Okay.. Okay.. I'm sorry, I'm just kidding," Forth sighed as he rubbed his own head. " Your joke is not funny, hurry up, let's go, we are go to the library now, and we'll have lunch together in the cafeteria," Kit recited. while Forth smiles happily.

Kit is not really mad at him. Moreover, he still pinned the word 'together' in the last sentence. That means Kit still desperately needs a Forth presence on his side. "sir, yes sir!" Forth cried as he gave a respectful gesture with a swollen chest. Kit just chuckle by pushing Forth chest softly.


A spray of rain seemed to make the atmosphere very sad afternoon. Especially fitting Kit watching Korean movies on television when the sad scene. Makes his eyes slightly flushed because it is too deep into the storyline. But not to tears. Not long after, suddenly heard a knocking sound from the door of his apartment, making Kit raise both eyebrows, as he woke up from the dream and becoming the main character in the Korean film.

Knock! Knock! Knock! The tap was heard again. Kit feels a bit annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, wait a minute!" He walked to the apartment door with a little reluctance. When the door opened, there stood a man at the door in a very formal dress, in a gray suit. The guy smiled pleasantly. His face is very familiar. "Ming? !!" Kit cried in surprise when she realized that the man was Mingkwan Dechapanya. And the strangest thing is that guy was carrying a suitcase?.  What for...?.

"Hello, Kit." he said embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "What are you doing here? And why are you carrying a suitcase? !!" asked Kit confusing "Um... I... actually... I want... I want to stay in... your apartment." "STAY IN MY APARTMENT? !!!" Kit shouted as he almost exploded. Calm down, Kit! It's just for a while! Not too long, "Ming said rather frantically, trying to calm Kit as he looked, wondering if anyone heard Kit shout. "Hey, man, do you think this is a hotel?" Kit starts getting annoyed. Ming began to run out of ideas to seduce the Kit. Until he remembered something.

He took out his brown wallet and handed it to Kit. "Here, I leave my wallet to you as collateral, if I will not act all the while I stay in your apartment!" Kit opened his mouth to reciprocate, but he undid him when he saw some of the other apartment residents looking at them both with strange looks. Kit exhales surrenderly. "Come in!" he said quickly, pushing his way out of the doorway. Ming smiled victoriously as he re-entered his wallet and immediately entered Kit's apartment.

Thanks for reading

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

A/N : Hey guys, Sawadikhap🙏🙏 So how the chapter so far.. i hope you like it, I'm sorry it there any of grammar errors or something. also hehe I'm giving you a triple update for my beloved readers, scene I'm in my holiday until sep 29, i will update to you Doubles and Triples update... hurray 🤗🤗.. did you love it? hehe
see you on next Double update
i love you😘😘

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