Heartbeat 21 [End]

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Forth stood frozen on the doorstep while staring at both of them with both hands clinging. Ming just silent. While Kit sits immediately. Forth walks to the other side of Kit and features a smile that does not seem to be a real smile. Kit looked at Forth full of guilt. " Forth I'm.....", said Kit with guilty, "I already know it. You don't need to explain it. Our relationship will never work.You just treat me as friend and nothing more than that. I've tried my best and deployed everything, but you still can never think of me as your boyfriend, " he said with a forced smile.

And for the first time in his life, Kit saw Forth shed tears, even though without sound. Kit's heart sank. "Forth...... I'm sorry. I've tried too but the real is i can't." said kit again, "Yes. Yes. Thank you for trying for me," said Forth softly as he rubbed his wet cheeks. He looked at Ming and leaned towards his right hand, uniting Ming's right hand with Kit's right hand. "Forth...," Kit said while his face was wet. "I want you both to be happy. Ming, please take care of Kit," he said.

 Ming, please take care of Kit," he said

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Ming silently bowed. Just like a dream. He felt very relieved in his heart. But does he have to be happy over Forth's suffering? "And for you, Kit, don't worry, we can still be friends," said Forth stubbornly striving to smile with tears. Kit instantly grasped Forth's hand and hugged him tightly and wept. "Thank you for your attention." said kit, embracing Forth. "Alright," Forth immediately took off the watch at his arms. "Well then, I have to go back to campus now. my friend called me and said that I had an afternoon class, so I'll see you later," said Forth and straight out from Kit's room.

He closed the door and leaned his back against the wall. He glanced skyward at the hospital corridor with a frightening look, until his body fell into the floor. His heart is completely destroyed now. But for him it's not something to regret. Seeing Kit happy for him is enough, even though later in the end he is one who that hurt.


The sun was shining so hot this afternoon. This is the last day Kit is in the hospital. Kit is stood staring at the window, looking at the panoramic view of the city, while occasionally staring at the wall clock. It's five o'clock already. He is late. Ming is really late. Is there an additional work in his office? Kit walked back to his boring bed and laid himself down. He really wants to go home. He could not stand in the hospital for long anymore. The smell of the hospital really makes his appetite disappear. At the same time, the room door immediately opened quickly. Looks like a beautiful woman with wide-eyed staring at Kit and approached him quickly. "Gosh, Kit! Why didn't you say that you were got an accident! Phi almost fainted when Forth told Phi this morning that you got crashed last yesterday!

How your conditions? What's happening? Where did you hurt? Ouch! Later Mama and Papa can be angry at Phi if they find out you were got an accident! "Kit rolled his eyes. Without greeting, Pin immediately grabbed him and grumbled at length." Don't worry like that, P'Pin. I have already recovered. Today I can go home, "Kit replied." But please don't say anything to Mama and Papa. Later P'Pin can get sprayed! " Kit chuckled. " It won't. After all, only a few scratches. "Kit replied," What did you said, a few scratches! Look at your head in the bandage! and you said it a few!!" grumble Pin. Moments later, the door opened again.

Ming, who was still wearing full office clothes, entered the room. Pin directly approaches him. "What the hack is wrong with you? Didn't I tell you to look after my Nong?!" She grumbled again, pinching Ming's arm until he groaned in pain. "Aw! Sorry! Sorry! I was negligent. This is all my fault!" Ming walked quickly toward Kit, trying to ask for protection. Kit laughed happily looking at Ming's behavior. "Never mind, Phi! Ming apologized right?" defend Kit while getting off from his mattress.

His Sister is always like this if Kit enters the hospital, blaming anyone who is there, worried that they will get papa and mama know. Really troublesome. Than why Forth has to tell his Sister? if It not, the things like this will never happened. "In any matter!! i doesn't want to know! Anyway, if my baby bro once again  get a little scratches, if not you will make a deal with me!" said Pin to Ming while walking near to Kit. "I'll guarantee, Kit will always be in my sight. Because from today Kit will stay in my house. So he doesn't have to bother renting an apartment and he can save his money," Ming said, looking at Kit with a smile and pinching Kit's nose with his finger. Hearing that makes Pin a little relieved. "Thanks God. Glad to hear that, then, Kit! do you want to go home now?" Pin asked again, "Yes, Phi. I didn't feel comfortable trapped in this room all the time. It felt like a prison." replied Kit, "Okay then. I come along. I want to know where is Ming house, so that later I can find out about your conditions there every time.

You pack it up first. I waited outside, " Pin replied as she walked out like nothing had happened before." Your sister is beautiful, but really horrible, " Ming scolded, which made Kit hit Ming's shoulder with fury. " Don't say that. Even so, she remained my sister" At the same time, Ming suddenly embraced Kit's body from behind. Even though they had become a couple, but still Kit felt both excited and embarrassed when Ming hugged him like that.

But he dared to touch both of Ming's hands that were round his waist. "What is wrong with you?" Kit asked. "It's nothing. I just want to hug you like this. To prove that I don't dream that I really can have you," said Ming, who immediately made Kit's cheeks blushed. Ming's head perched on Kit's right shoulder. "Can you wait until i get my degree first ?, then we can do it! as many as you want" joke Kit. The two of them laughed together with the happy feeling.

°~💖💖💖 THE END 💖💖💖~°

A/N: Hey guys.. so what do you think about the ending? i know it what you're expected to happen but, my head was like @$%#2?6% Now. And I'm not well also.. i got a fever a days ago with some headache huhu.. hopefully you're enjoying the ending and don't forget to vote, comments and follow my account to read some more of my private story..

Thanks for reading

Heartbeats [Ming + Kit + Forth] (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now