Heartbeat 14

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Kit ran down the sidewalk, occasionally wiping the tears from her eyes. Forth's attitude was too much. This was the first time he had experienced such a terrible disappointment. Just keep the Kit running without regardless of direction. Looks like he's gone pretty far away. He does not want to go home now. He stopped running and stopped a taxi that happened to pass by. Quickly, Kit immediately told the way to her sister Pin apartment.

Only where the Kit can take refuge for a while. Leaned his head against the window, looking out of the cab. Seeing tall buildings now chasing each other, vying to cover the afternoon sun on the western edge of Kit's view. But both eyes looked far away to where. What is clear, now he really needs calm. closing his eyes tightly, trying to dispel the disappointment that felt like attacking him again.


Forth drove his bike as fast as he could. In fact he has not put his helmet properly and had time to break through the traffic lights are red at some intersections. He no longer cares about everything around him. What he now matters now is to meet Kit and explain everything. Even if necessary he would express his feelings to the child. But because of lack of focus, suddenly his bike shaked to the left until he fell.

Forth's body was thrown to the side of the sidewalk and his helmet slipped off. His face hit the sidewalk until his nose bone are broken. There were several passersby looking at him with pity. When some people started to approach him, he immediately got up and took his helmet. He set up his bike and immediately spurred his motor back without regard to the fresh blood flowing from his nose.

Although it feels very sore, but he resistant. The pain in his nose must not be worth the pain Kit felt. Forth continues to drive up to the maximum speed he can. Until a few minutes later, he arrived in front of Kit's apartment building. As soon as he got off the motorcycle, he ran straight in and rushed to Kit's apartment room. First of all, he wiped a trace of blood that flowed from his nose until it was invisible and pressed the bell button.

Moments later, the door opened. Ming figure emerged from behind the door. "Where's Kit ?!" Kit asked unceremoniously. "Hah? doesn't Kit at your house? I dropped that guy in front of your house because he whined for me to be lowered," Ming replied with a little exaggeration. Kit is impossible to whine as Ming had just said.

Forth increasingly feel annoyed with himself. He kicked the wind around his feet with fury. He looked at Ming, looking a bit bewildered. "You...... what exactly have you got to do with Kit ?!" exclaimed Forth trying to shed all his unanswered questions.

Ming looked even more confused. "W-what do you mean? Me and Kit are just regular friends." Ming replied casually, "Do not pretend to be stupid in front of me!! It's impossible you're just an ordinary friend living in an apartment!! Better say now, what's your relationship with Kit!" Ming looked at some of the other residents of the apartment who looked at them both curiously.

"Ehm .. You better get in first, it's not nice to see the neighbors, come in," pleaded Ming. But he was wide-eyed as Forth's nose returned to blood. His nose was also slightly swollen. "Oh, my God! Your nose! Get inside!" Ming cried as he dragged Forth's hand into the apartment and shut the door hard.

Ming is getting hotter. What exactly happened? Had not he dropped Kit in front of Forth's house? Why did Forth even search for Kit here with this situation? And where has Kit gone? As soon as he intended to take the medicine box, Forth spoke immediately. "I do not want to stay here long enough, I need to find Kit right now, all I need is to know what your relationship is all about!" Ming frowned as he turned around calmly.

"Me and Kit are nothin 'we're just friends, after all, why are you asking such a strange thing?" This time Forth fell silent. He could not answer Ming's question. Forth opened the door and got out of Kit's apartment. Make Ming droop instantly on the couch. What really happened? Why with Kit and Forth? They both look like lovers in a quarrel.

Or do they both have been dating? Ming did not like to speculate. He immediately took out his cell phone and called the Kit. True to her guess. Kit phone number is off. Where is the boy now? Looks like he should look for him now before Forth finds Kit first.


It was 5:30 PM. Just five minutes ago Kit arrived at Pin's apartment. Now he was sitting on a lounger by the window. Lucky his sister apartment was on the third floor, so the window was directly lead to the city view. Kit puts his arm in the window and puts his chin on it while looking out the window. See how beautiful the sky is orange dusky. Although the sun seemed to be covered by small clouds. "So suddenly you came here," said Pin who came suddenly as he put two glasses of ice syrup on the table.

He sat next to Kit. "I'm trying to clear my mind, Phi. And I always feel very jealous that you get an apartment room with this beautiful outdoors." "You always say that when you have a problem, now..."  Pin seemed to change a bit, "... you can tell me about your problem." he looked at Pin beautiful looking face. His sister is always beautiful even with a simple makeup like this.

Kit took a breath as much as possible. "Forth lied to me." said Kit, "lying to you? lying to you about what?" Pin asked, "he used to say to me once, that he would stop taking a drugs and stop doing his bad habits," Kit replied without looking at Pin. Pin raises one of his eyebrows. "I don't understand what you mean, all i know that Forth has quit of all that?" said Pin,"No, Phi," Kit quickly said, glancing over at his sister.

"I just spotted Marik having a drink at his house, not only that, but I saw he was smoking, but it did not seem like a regular cigarette, it smelled like marijuana leaves." Hearing that made Pin shocked. "Forth is a friend of Leandro, Leandro says he is a guy who is always reliable and there must be something Forth hides." said Pin "It's up to you if you didn't believe in what I'm saying Phi.


A/N: So did anyone knows what marijuana is?. If you do it ok, let me tell you when mariyuana is.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant intended for medical or recreational use. The main psychoactive part of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 65 other cannabinoids. Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, within food, or as an extract.

If you wanted to know more about marijuana or cannabis I'm linked the link of that on the comments below.


I've seen it with my naked eyes. he said that he lied to me all of this time. "Kit said again, " Why did he say so? Have you ever seen him act strange? "Kit glanced over the top of his nose and looked at Pin again. " Looks like today he's starting to act very strange. You know my friend Ming did you, a phi? Forth does not seem to like Ming." Replied the kit, " Dislike? what do you mean? " Pin asked," I don't know. But of my estimation, Forth didn't seem to like Ming.

Most visible is today. when I was at Forth's house, suddenly Ming came and took me to the mall. " Pin thought for a moment, it seemed that everything Kit said seemed to be continuous. " I don't know for sure... But I think, it looks like Forth.... likes you. "Pin replied, " what likes me ?! " Kit exclaimed, pointing his index finger at his own face.

To be continue  🔔🔔🔔

A/N;  Hope you enjoyed reading this story and don't forget to vote, comments and share this story if you're enjoyed reading it 。^‿^。

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