Heartbeat 20

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His head was very sore and his body felt crushed. That was the first thing that Kit felt as soon as he woke up. What he saw the first time he opened his eyes, was the light that was very dazzling in his eyes. He blinked several times so he could adjust his eyes to the light in this room.

His eyes roamed through the room. It's a hospital VIP room. You are already aware! Thank goodness! " Shouted Forth standing on his right side, where several parts of his body were covered with extra bandages, besides his nose of course." I will call the doctor so can be examined first, " said Ming. Kit only found out that Ming was also there. on the left side of Kit. " it ok I'll do it," said Forth immediately ran out, leaving Kit and Ming alone in the room.

Ming looked down and looked at Kit who was now staring at him. "Um... Hi," Ming said nervously. "How long have I been here?" Kit asked in a hoarse voice like a sore throat. "I don't know. Maybe it's been four hours. I just came back from the police station with Forth a while ago. Luckily I can handle it well. I'm sorry, I made you like this," Ming replied. Kit smiled while nodding limply. Kit is silent. He also felt that things began to turn awkward.

Until suddenly a sentence slid out of control from Kit's mouth. "I miss you." Ming raised his eyebrows. But at the same time, Forth arrived, along with a female doctor wearing a hijab. Ming and Forth moved a little away, giving the doctor room to check Kit's state. After a while, the doctor finished and approached Ming and Forth. Talk about the state of Kit.

Although Kit could hear what the doctor said, but his brain couldn't catch everything. He was too focused on looking at Ming's face. Somehow he was very longing of that guy. As if there were slight wounds healed from his heart, at a glance, Ming and Forth looked at Kit then looked back at the doctor and thanked her.

The doctor walked away with Ming out, while Forth walked to him. He caressed Kit's hair gently. "I'm sorry, it's made you like this," said Forth, whose sentence was exactly what Ming said earlier. "Where is he?" Kit asked without paying attention to Forth's request. "You mean Ming? He's taking care of the administration now." Kit closed his eyes tightly. Why is there always Ming in his mind? in fact Forth has become his boyfriend. Does he love Forth? Or does Kit just feel sorry for Forth? and that's why Kit is dating Forth.


Five minutes more. Only need to wait for another five minutes, Ming will immediately return back from the office. But why does it feel so long. He put his hands on his face. Thinking of Kit all day makes his head dizzy and can't focus on working properly. Especially with his statement yesterday. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. The words continued to go around his head like bees ready to sting him at any time. Why did that feeling appear again? Even though in a week he could almost forget Kit. Almost, but it turns out forgetting Kit isn't as easy as he thought. Does he really like Kit? It seems like he got a feeling for Kit.

Right when the clock pointed to the right three o'clock, Ming straightened up his office and went out to the parking lot with a wide step. Immediately he entered the car and drove to the hospital where Kit was being treated. Let it be if there is Forth later. He doesn't care. What's important for him now is to see Kit. About twenty minutes later he arrived at the hospital. After he parked his car, he walked quickly to Kit's room on the third floor. Even though only yesterday he met face to face, but I don't know, it feels like it's been months.

Ming stopped in front of the VIP Kit room. His chest was swishing fast. His hands gripped the doorknob. He took a deep breath and exhaled, then opened the door. Looks Kit is lying on the mattress while sleeping. Luckily, Forth doesn't seem to be here. Slowly, Ming closed the door and walked to the left side of Kit. He looked at the sleeping face without feeling the slightest satisfaction. He caressed Kit's hair gently. Just looking at that face can make him happy. Especially if he can have Kit. Maybe he could feel what it was like to live as the happiest human in the world.

"You know, Kit? After knowing you, I feel like a fool. All the attention I have is always directed at you," he said even though he knew that Kit might not hear it. "I miss the atmosphere of your apartment. I always miss sleeping with you. Do you know that every night after you fall asleep, I always wake up quietly at night and stare at your face asleep for a full hour without feeling bored at all? Maybe "It's not just stupid. Looks like I'm crazy. And it's all because of you," he said again. "Really?" Kit asked suddenly. He opened his eyes with wet eyes full of tears.

Ming gasped and pulled his hand from Kit's head. "Oh, you haven't slept, apparently," said Ming, who became nervous and slightly misguided. It looks like Kit has heard his words. "You also have to know that I could never sleep well after that night," Kit tried to excite his feelings. Ming raised his eyebrows. "Why can you have trouble sleeping?" asked Ming, "I don't know. My mind is filled with your face. It seems like something inside me is lost when you leave. I don't know how I feel for you and Forth. I'm always comfortable with Forth. But I also feel comfortable with you, but it feels different. like... like....,"

Kit is confused about how to proceed with the sentence. Ming was stunned. He hopes Kit says that he also loves him. But just hearing that for him is enough to make him sure that Kit also has the same feelings. "I... looks like I love you," Kit said, just coming out of his mouth. And that sentence really made Ming fly high. But he immediately descended from his wishful thinking. "But you already belong to Forth." Kit closes his eyes for a moment. "I don't know. I don't know how I feel about Forth myself.

(A/N: Please do watching the video song if you really want to understand Kit and Ming feeling right now, the song is perfect it a perfect match with Mingkit situation right now)

It seems like I just don't want to make him disappointed. And I'm sorry for slapping you at that time. It's just a reflex. "Kit said," You really drive me crazy, because of your unpredictable attitude. If I could be a step faster than Forth, " Ming regretted." I don't blame you. Time will later determine our respective soul mates," Kit replied.

Both then looked at each other as they threw a smile. Kit looked so beautiful in Ming's eyes with those dimples that Kit possessed. Suddenly something was pushing him to kiss Kit. He tried to hold but. He does not want to be considered a lover of someone else's lover. It just seems like the impetus is stronger than he thinks. Ming can not hold it anymore. He hunched over his body, close his face to Kit's head and kissed Kit's lips. Kit surrounds his arms around Ming's neck. But at the same time, the room door was open. Ming immediately took off Kit's lip and straightened up. Forth stood frozen on the doorstep while staring at both of them with both hands clinging.

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

Oh God.. trouble.. trouble.. trouble. what will Forth do after saw Kit is cheating on him? what do you think please comments..

A/N: Hey guys.. So what do you think about this chapter?. For me is Mingkit are born to be together, they're born to be love and loved, so there is only Mingkit and KimCop couple in my heart. Hope you enjoyed reading this story and don't forget to vote, comments and share this story if you're enjoyed reading it 。^‿^。

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