#25 - Tutor

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Your POV


"But, mom," I whine, "I don't need a tutor!"

"Sorry sweetheart. You're failing algebra and have been this semester. You need the extra help."

I look at my dad.

"Come on, dad, help me outta this one!"

"No can do," he says. "Your GPA is dropping because of this grade and you need a tutor if you want to get it up."

I sigh, frustrated, and trudge up to my room.

"Oh! And by the way, your tutor's name is Hayes! He's a junior!" My mom shouts up the stairs.

I let out another loud groan and slam my door.

I know he's a junior, and I know who he is. He's all my friends talk about. Quite frankly, I don't see the point. Sure, he gets good grades and is popular, but he's a junior, and I'm a freshman. That would never work.

----The next day after school---

I walk into the library, carrying my binder, pencil case, and math textbook. I spot Hayes sitting in a small room used for tutoring and I walk in.

"Are you y/n?" He asks, smiling softly.

"Yeah." I answer shyly. I'm always somewhat shy around people I've never met before.

"Well, take a seat and let's see what you're having problems with."

I take out everything I had brought with me, even the tests with 53% scrawled in red over them.

"We're learning slope intercepts right now, and its so confusing." I huff out as I show him the tests.

He studies them for a few minutes, his light blue eyes scanning through the pages.

"You're not good with the y-intercept part of the equation, are you?" He smiles as he puts the test down.

He explains what I need to do and gives me some practice problems, which led to the end of my session.

---- A month later (December) ----

I impatiently tap on the wooden desks as Mrs. Hernandez handed out our algebra test.

She stops at my desk and as she hands me my paper, she smiles.

I take a deep breath and flip my test over to see a 92% in green with a smiley face.

I sigh out in relief.

-----Before last period-----

I spot Hayes in the gym hallway and run up to him. I give him a hug, but pull away when I realize that I was hugging a junior. 

In the middle of a hallway. With kids hustling through to get to their class. And, as always, the group of boys who always skip class and wander around the school.

"Sorry," I whisper to him. 

"No, it's okay, really. I don't care if people are watching us. So, what did you get on your test?" He replies.

I take out my test and show it to him with a big smile. He looks at it for a second and pulls me into a hug. 

"You know, you could come in for extra tutoring. I could teach you way more," He whispers into my ear. 


Heyyy ;)

so, this imagine was one of the more boringer (if that's a word) imagines, but the ending was cute. 

Would you want me to do a pt 2? It may or may not have some spicy stuff in it ;) 


bye loves 


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