#48 - Janitor's Closet

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warning: this chapter contains quite a bit of swearing!

"Hey, Y/N, when did you grow boobs?" A male voice rang in my ears followed by the loud laughter of guys.

"Hey Hayes, when did you grow out a mustache?" I turned around, staring at the guy's amused face, "Oh, wait. I guess it'll grow at the same time your dick will."

"Oh fuck you, Y/N!" He only shouted back, his face filled with disappointment as the guys around him laughed again.

I walked away confidently, with a smirk, hearing the guys' teasing mixed with chuckles as Hayes tried fighting them back. 

Hayes was the biggest douche in my school, and the comments he made had become a normal part of my daily routine. 

My school wasn't like the ones portrayed in movies; it, of course, had popular kids and not-so-popular ones and teasing was a part of it, but it never went down to bullying or physical abuse. 

It was a private school, but I didn't mind, having my best friends by my side, and nothing ever came my way, because nobody had the mindset to make another's life harder. 

However, there was Hayes. I knew him since middle school. He always played football and recently had joined the school's baseball team, becoming the popular guy around. 

He was always surrounded by his best friends from the team and liked to fuck around, and I could never understand how so many girls threw themselves at him.

Of course, he was attractive and had a toned body, but I was never attracted to him for his dirty mouth. 

My life, luckily, wasn't bad at all; it was the last week of senior year, and I was excited to spend the last days with my friends and move out next week for college.

It turned out that last year I had discovered the janitor's cabinet on the second floor and sometimes I'd sneak out there to leave my stuff or do homework whenever I wanted to be alone. 

It was a small but very nice and clean cabinet with a small couch and good lighting. This Thursday, Katie was out of town moving her things to her new apartment and would only come back next week for graduation.

My other two friends had classes together, so I was left alone for two hours and decided to spend my time in peace working on the last few documents of confirmation I am supposed to send to my university.

I waited until the bell rang and people cleared out the corridors.

"Don't close the door!" Somebody shouted as soon as I walked in. It was too late. My stupid arms had shut the door.

"What the hell, Hayes?" I shouted back, jumping when I saw the guy sitting on the couch, his arm extended in my direction.

"Why the fuck didn't you listen? I told you not to close the door," He ignored my question, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I didn't close it on purpose, asshole," I crossed my arms on my chest, "Besides, what the hell are you doing here, and why can't you open the door yourself?"

"Sorry to inform you, Y/N, but for a girl who gets straight As, you're pretty dense," He threw me a sigh, as I rolled my eyes, "It's Matt and Scott. They locked me in here a few minutes ago as a part of their senior prank. Douchebags."

"You have pretty good friends, huh?"

"Stupid assholes," Hayes replied with a small smirk, as if I reminded him of something funny, "Now we're stuck here for the next two hours, Y/N, good job!"

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