#46 - Plane

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school's been eating my ass off


"Welcome aboard flight 3422 - from Vancouver to Charlotte, North Carolina. We will be taking off in another 20 minutes. Thank you for choosing Fly Airways. (don't judge) I hope you have a good flight." The flight attendant announced.

A young woman's voice pulled me out of my daze.

"Excuse me, miss."

"Yeah?" I said, turning to her. She had dried tears and smudged mascara.

"You see, this is my boyfriend," The woman pointed to the guy sitting next to me. He gave me a small smile in return.

"We couldn't manage to get seats next to each other. And as you know this is a seven-hour flight so we wanted to ask you if you'd be down with switching your seat with mine? It's only two rows ahead next to the window." He spoke.

"Sure," I nodded with a polite smile, and as the couple thanked me. I took my backpack and moved to the row to which the guy had pointed out.

The memories of my now ex-boyfriend were eating away at me, and I needed a big distraction. 

So the idea of being on a plane alone for seven hours wasn't a good one since I'd be left alone with my thoughts. 

The row I moved to consisted of three seats, the outer one occupied with a middle-aged man who was already in his sleeping mask, the middle seat was taken by a guy of her age with dark brown hair. 

I sighed slightly at the way this guy was manspreading, focused on his phone screen. 

Passing by him with my heavy backpack, I tried not to hit the sleeping man and accidentally tripped over the young guy's feet, falling straight into my seat.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you," The guy whined, shoving the phone into his pocket and ran his eyes up and down my body..

"It's fine," I groaned, slightly annoyed at myself for being so clumsy, as I rubbed my arm and tried to readjust her position.

"Ah, are you okay?" the guy tilted his head, noting the way my face changed in pain.

"No, it's totally fine-" I lied, turning my head to finally see the guy's face, and my mouth parted at the realization who it was, "-Aren't you Hayes Gr-"

"Yes, quiet," The guy shushed me quickly, putting his finger over my mouth.

I stared at him, completely confused, and froze at the sight of his hand on my face. 

Hayes stared at me for a few seconds, making sure I'd stopped talking, and as he realized that he was touching my lips, he quickly took his hand back and ran it through his curls.

He sighed in disappointment, mad at himself for being so obnoxious.

"I'm sorry again. I really crossed the line there," he mumbled, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"You could have told me not to talk to you, just because you're kind of famous doesn't mean you need to throw hands around, you know," I frowned, wiping my lips with the back of my hand, annoyed.

"I apologize," Hayes repeated himself, now lowering his voice, "It's just I don't want anyone to leak the information of my flight, because usually people show up with their friends and families and suddenly five fans turn into fifty," He sighed.

"And even though this sounds terrible, I am so not in the mood for staying in the airport with all of these people for the additional hour after a seven-hour flight." He continued.

"I get that," I nodded again, this time giving him an understanding smile, "But why can't you just travel on a private jet? I thought you celebrities were able to afford that kind of stuff."

Hayes smirked, shaking his head off a little, and looking around making sure nobody's listening to him.

"You see, this flight was unplanned, so I had just to take whatever was available."

"Got it," I smirked and leaned back into my seat, finally adjusting to my new position.

Maybe after all being stuck with Hayes on a seven-hour flight wasn't a bad distraction from my breakup.

"I-," Hayes opened his mouth, getting my attention back, "I didn't catch your name."

"Because you haven't asked," I grinned, tilting my head slightly.

"Well, since you know mine, I guess it would be fair if I knew yours."

"Y/N," I quirked my eyebrow as he extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," he smiled again, as I shook his hand, "Is this your first time flying to North Carolina?"

"Actually, I am from North Carolina," I smiled sadly, and the reasons for my flying back home washed over.

"Nice, me too."

"Off to see your family?" I asked, recalling the one interview of his I heard on the radio where he mentioned his parents a few times.

"Yeah," he nodded, his face lightening up with a toothy grin, "Going to surprise them. They have no idea that we managed to rearrange some dates."

"That's cool. They probably will be happy," My eyes fell on his blue ones, which were filled with such positive energy, I could tell he was excited, and certainly, loved the people he was going to see.

"I hope so," he joked, "What about you?"

I sighed, eyes laced with hesitation. I wasn't sure if I should even continue having this conversation, but part of me desired to get to know this boy.

"Well, I flew out to Vancouver to surprise my boyfriend who's studying there for his junior year," I sighed again, looking back into Hayes' genuinely curious eyes.

"Long story short; turned out he was cheating on me, surprise failed, we broke up, and I'm going back home."

Hayes widened his eyes, as he lost the smile, his lips parting in surprise. I bit the inside of my cheek, staring back at him, waiting for him to say something but all he could do is stare, expecting me to say it was a joke. 

"Oh, that sucks," He let out, "I mean, he must be a total douchebag."

"Turned out he is," I tried to joke, but my voice came out more serious than I expected.

"No, but really, how could he cheat on you," Hayes spoke again, as words spilled out of his mouth, his mind working so quick he wasn't even filtering his sentences, "You're so beautiful!"

"Thank you," I raised my eyebrows, "I think that wasn't the case of him cheating on me, but thanks anyway, I guess?"

"I mean, no matter what was the reason, it's still horrible to cheat on somebody," Hayes corrected himself, and pinched his nose with his fingers, looking embarrassed at how dumb he sounded.

"You're right," I spoke suddenly, making him look up to me, "He should have treated me better."

"Hey, let me tell you something. I'm on tour right now and my next show is in South Carolina. Would you like to come? I could give you free VIP passes and everything."

"Is that a date?" I winked.

"If we get to grab some drinks afterward, then yes."

"Okay," I nodded to him, excitement bubbling inside me.

And maybe, after all, it wasn't bad at all that I was stuck on this seven-hour flight with somebody who was attractive and kind, and maybe going out on a date with him was the best thing she'd agreed to in a long time. 


i'll see you later

maybe like, a week?

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