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Chapter 1






[ Last Day of School ]

“Bitch fucking touch me then!” LaMaya shouted at Emma.

“You got me fucked up LaMaya with yo bitch ass if I catch you fucking with him, it’s your ass bitch! Yeah you and all your stupid ass friends. You too Bella!” Emma shouted at us.

Let me pause right there because I bet you are pretty confused as to what is going on & who I am.

My name is Zoey Isabella Garrison. A lot of people call me Bella as you can see. I’m 5’8, some people say I’m thick, some say I’m skinny and I got ass shots because I have a small waist and a huge butt. But hey I have two black parents who feed me well and I work out a lot. I’m just a laid back person until you get to talking shit about me then it’s all bad.

Right now LaMaya and Emma were about to fight because D’Andre which is Emma’s boyfriend. So he and LaMaya have something going on and I won’t say what but they do and Emma found the text messages in his phone and came to our lunch table talking mad shit to LaMaya who didn’t give a damn. That girl is raw as hell and don’t give a fuck about anybody feelings and that’s why I love her.

Now back to this shit that’s going on.

“Emma don’t put my name in your mouth because I haven’t said shit to you.” I said to her.

“Shut the fuck up you hoe.”

That was all I needed to slap this hoe. I jumped across the table and slapped the shit out of her.

“Bitch watch your mouth before it get you hurt.” I yelled.

“Bella let’s go.” LaMaya said grabbing me and we walked away before something else popped off.

I was so pissed off that she tried that shit with me like bitch I haven’t said shit to you so don’t put my name in your dirty ass mouth.

“She can’t be mad that her so called boyfriend don’t want her ass no more. Bitch build a fucking bridge and get over it.” I said.

“Who the hell you going off on?”

I turned around to see Don’Quez walking with his little click. They were always together him, Jamahl, D’Andre, King, Lorenzo and Ezra.

I don’t understand how they all got along for this long, I mean we were going to be juniors when school started again but we had all been knowing each other since 7th grade. Crazy right.

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