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Just so you guys know there are 2 of us writing this book :))
Were gonna go by the name S and K
K wrote the last chapter
It's me S writing this chapter
Anyways on to the storyyyy!

As soon as a stepped foot into the house, I see a dog in my way. I started to panic.
Stay calm Meredith, you don't wanna embarrass yourself! I told myself. I stood still as it started to sniff my feet. I was frozen.

Ricky spotted me and started laughing. "It's not funny ricky! Get it away from me! Right now!" "Okay, okay." He picked up the dog and said, "your gonna have to get used to him, your gonna be here alot. His name's wishbone by the way." "You know how scared I am of dogs! When I'm here your gonna have to lock that thing up!" I sort of yelled. "Aha no can do, he's nice anyways! He's jc's dog." "Fine I'll try to not be scared." I said. Ricky replied with a smile.

I realized I was still at the entrance, I smiled as i remembered the memory of me winning the race with Kian. I was actually sort of happy that he was gonna take me to the pier. I went to the living room, where all the guys were. It felt weird being the only girl so i asked, "can you guys invite another girl..?" "I can invite Lia if you want." Jc replied. "Whos Lia??" I asked. "Shes my girlfriend." He said with a smile. "Oh then sure!" I said happily. I wasn't going to be the only girl.


Lia came to the house about 15 minutes later. I was excited, we could become biffles! Okay, I'm too excited, I don't go out alot. I'm an internet person. So i don't have many friends. Maybe that's why I don't wanna embarrass myself here. I want them to like me.

Wow shes pretty, i thought. Her and jc shared a kiss as she made her way into the house. Once they were done, that took a long time, Lia looked at me and smiled. "Hi!" I said. "Hey, I'm Lia." She replied. "Im Meredith." I put my hand out. She shook it, "nice name!" "Thanks." I laughed.

"You two seem to be getting along really well." Jc interrupted. "Yup" we both said at the same time, then laughed. All the guys said hi to lia. "Trevs! Sammyyy! I haven't seen you guys in a while!" "Well we're here!" Said trevor. Sam and Trevor both gave her hugs. "I thought that we came to an agreement that you wouldn't call me sammy!" Sam said really annoyed. "Well too bad! Lia replied. She then turned to me. "Hey don't you sing covers and post them on youtube?" "You've seen them?" I said surprised. "Yeah! Your really good!!" "Thanks." I gave her a warm smile. "I work for awesome tv." She then said. I felt bad because she recognized me and I don't even know who she is. So I lied, "that's why you seemed familiar!" Wishbone came near me again. I went to a sofa and quickly put up my feet. "Your scared of wishbone?" Asked Kian. "Very." I replied. "Well you can come sit next to me! I'll make him go away if he comes." Kian said. He's trying to act heroic awe that's cute.


"Im so boredddd!!" Connor said. "How about truth or dare?" Kian said, then looked at me. "Ohh no!" Connor said. "I'm on Connors side!" I said. Me, connor, lia, trevor, and ricky voted against it. While kian, sam and Jc wanted to play. "Let's just film the collab!" Said ricky. "What are we gonna do in it?" I asked. "I don't know, tell stories?" Everyone agreed, no one had a better idea.

We were now sitting infront of the camera. The camera started recording. Everyone said hi to the camera but me. "We wanna introduce to you a new friend of ours, an old friend of ricky's. You may recognize her, she makes covers and posts them on youtube, but if you don't know her, her name is Meredith. Meredith carters" Kian said. "Hi," I said. He wasn't done just yet tho, "And Lia's here too!" Lia replied with a wave. "This is an unexpected video and we don't have a topic so were just gonna tell you embarrassing stories" said Ricky.

----A/N : the stories aren't true----

"I'll go first!" Said Trevor. "Brave trevor" said jc. "very! Ok so I don't really have any embarrassing stories but this is the only one i can think of..I was once in my room and i got really bored and my cousins were over, so I decided to dress up like Beyoncé like put on makeup and everything and jam to her music and when I was in the middle of it..my cousins walked in. It was really embarrassing, luckily it was only my younger cousins." Everyone broke out into laughter. "It's not funny!" Trevor defended himself. "It is!" I said.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now