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Um bored?


*Meredith's Point of view*

~Few Hours Later~

So, when Kian called me I left Connor and went somewhere else. I didn't go back to Connor, I was just walking on the streets looking at people that were: smiling, laughing, skateboarding, and making street art also, and many more things.

Mine's and Kian's conversation went good and bad at the same time. We were yelling then I started to cry and then he said,

"Mere...gosh..please don't cry. Look, before we yell at each other some more can I talk to you? Please? I just want to explain stuff to you...And please don't leave me, that's all I ask for, for you not to leave me again.. Honestly, I just want you to know that I didn't mean for anything to turn out like this, and also remember that I love you"

And with that he hung up. I didn't even get to say 'I love you'. Even though I hate him, I still love him. But since I'm still his 'girlfriend' and I need to let him explain before I get bitchy or act like a girl that's on her period.

I was just kind of enjoying the sunset, yup that's how long I've been walking around for.

Then all I heard was screams.

"Omg!! Your Meredith!! We are like your biggest fans!!! We love you so much!!!" These girls yelled coming up to me.

I smiled at them, "Hi! Do you want a picture?"

They looked like they were going to faint "Yes!! Ohmygosh! please!" they said.

I laughed a little bit. With that I took pictures with them and I also gave them hugs "Oh! Mere, know that we love you!! so much!! and we are here for you no matter what!!" they said pulling away from our hug.

"Thanks you guys! That means a lot to me" I said blushing. They all smiled at me.

"Well, we do have a flawless fandom and awesome fandom!" They said flipping their hair and looking fierce.

"Yaaaaaas! I thought all of you well" I said. They all laughed. "Well Meredith we got to go! It was awesome seeing you since you're our idol and hero!" they said.

"Well it was awesome seeing the people that inspire me and support me though thick and thin" I said. They all smiled and hugged me and they said their byes and left.

It was nice to see some fans.


So I eventually made it back to my apartment. I was really really scared to back into there, because I kind of left the girls there.

I opened the door to see all the girls crying and saying 'its's going to be okay' they all saw me and they all had bloodshot eyes, I suppose from crying and cheeks stained with tears.

"Meredith!!" They all said running to me and hugging me tightly.

They kept repeating over and over 'we are so sorry' or 'you scared us' or 'we were so worried' and all that.

I pulled away from the hug and said "Guys, I'm really really sorry for scaring you guys. I didn't mean it honestly at all! I was just really hurt and all, but I'm slowly recovering. And now I notice I can't be by myself throughout this situation, I need you guys to be by me and yeah..oh and I also love all of you guys" I said smiling to them.

"Mere, my gosh. We love you lots and we will stick by you no matter what!" Lia said hugging me again.

"That's right! Now do you want to talk about it?" Lauren asked me.

"Yeah..That would be great" I said.


*Third person point of view*

Meredith was having fun with all of her best friends. Just to get her mind off today. She really did forget about Kian, and what happened, it just slipped her mind, and it went a way just like that!

Also, she wanted to stop crying, and prove that she was strong, even though she wanted to cry.

But stepping away from all of that, she was happy without a boy. But she was still missing a piece, from her..

Now onto Kian..

Kian wasn't doing so great at all. He would just lock himself in his room all day and only come out for food and the washroom.

His mom did eventually left and Kian did regret the words he said to her, but couldn't get 'I'm sorry' out of his mouth. Maybe he wants to save that 'I'm sorry' for Meredith, because he has a lot of explaining to do.

The guys in the house will always tried to open the door and stuff like that. But Kian won't do anything he sits on his phone or his computer and does nothing, he did go on the weird part of the internet and read fan-fiction and regret reading them, cause they are in his nightmares.

Oh okay! Besides that! You see the two people that love each a lot. And look at their moods. Meredith is trying to get Kian off her mind, because she's mad and upset at him a lot. Kian is trying to make things work, but can't say two simple words.

No one is saying it's 'Kian's fault' or either 'Meredith's fault'. It's no ones fault. If one of them is acting all bitchy and one of them says two simple words all the time but to the wrong person.

And fight over a simple thing..

It's not meant to be.. ?


*Few weeks later*

-Meredith's POV-

So mines and Kian's conversation went well, I guess? I mean I think it went well, for me though.

We were just talking about everything. I did say happy belated birthday because I forgot to call him, but I can't believe he's 19!

So back to the conversation..

So, we are going to take a 'break' you know, those couples that are to attached and then one feels like they need a 'break' but end up hurting each other? Nah, Kian didn't want to hurt me and same goes for me also. So he came up with this idea where, every weekend he will take me on a date and I think that's fine but he doesn't have to do it.

So when we were leaving he gave me a HUUGGE hug this is cliché but I fell in love with him a little bit more. Then I pulled away he have me another hug and a peck on the cheek and left.

Oh Kian, what are you doing to me?


Hi! so end of the chapterrrrr!

I hope this is fine and not to short...


I love you all!

Vote, Share and Comment! Also read? I guess (lol)

Bye xx

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